



  • To complement this range we also provide French wines from the well known Bordeaux region as well as Italian wines from chosen Tuscan vineyards .

    当然,我们也提供产自著名的波尔多地区的法国酒品以及 托斯卡纳葡萄园的意大利美酒。

  • Theme restaurants-the construction and renovation designed by the Italian designer from the perfect embodiment of the whole to the details of the Tuscan style .

    主题餐厅&建筑及装修由意大利设计师设计,从整体到细节完美体现 意大利 托斯卡纳风格。

  • Known as the sword in the stone the Tuscan Excalibur is said to have been plunged into a rock in1180 by Galgano Guidotti a medieval knight who renounced war and worldly goods to become a hermit .


  • Nothing could have been more charming than this occasion & a soft afternoon in the full maturity of the Tuscan spring .

    没有比这更令人心旷神怡的时刻了&这是一个风和日丽的下午, 正当 托斯卡纳 春意盎然的季节。

  • For the main course meat-eaters tucked into a duo of marinated filet mignon and slow-baked Arctic chard with potato croquette and heirloom cherries a tomato fondue and black Tuscan kale .

    至于主菜,肉食者们享受着浸泡在卤汁中的菲力牛排和慢烤的北极甜菜,配上马铃薯可乐饼和heirloom樱桃,番茄火锅和黑色的 托斯卡纳羽衣甘蓝。

  • In the Tuscan countryside people start their day quite early just before dawn but wind down in the early afternoon for siesta .


  • The Concordia operated by a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation was carrying 3 passengers and 1 crew when it struck rocks off the Tuscan island of Giglio .

    歌诗达协和号由嘉年华公司(CarnivalCorporation)的子公司负责运营,在 托斯卡纳的吉利奥岛附近触礁时船上载有3200名乘客和1000名船员。

  • The chubby contest takes place every year in this Tuscan town in Italy gathering fat people from all over Italy .

    意大利肥胖人比赛每年在 托斯卡纳地区举行一次,参赛者都是来自意大利各 地区的肥

  • Turner sketched the Tuscan landscape .

    特纳画了 托斯卡 风景的素描。

  • The history of many countries – including his native Italy where Tuscan came to dominate – is of one language or dialect prevailing over others .

    许多国家的历史都是一种语言或方言战胜其他语言或方言的历史,这其中就包括他的祖国意大利& 托斯卡纳语成了意大利的主要语言。

  • This typical Tuscan grape variety perfectly fits the Apulian red clay soils close to the Mediterranean Sea .

    这种典型的 托斯卡纳葡萄品种非常适应普利亚临近地中海的红粘土土质。

  • The same night such a man of regularity was the patron of The Young Amelia the profits were divided and each man had a hundred Tuscan livres or about eighty francs .

    少女阿梅凡号的船长是办事有条不紊的人,当天晚上他就分配了红利,每人得到了一百 托斯卡纳里弗,也就是说合我们的钱八十法郎。

  • Growing up with a Tuscan mother he recalls that there was always fresh meat and poultry broth in the house .

    他的妈妈是 托斯卡纳 。他回忆说,小时候家里总有鲜肉和鲜禽汤。

  • Toscana Promozione organizes economic missions workshops and meetings with economic and institutional delegations from abroad in order to develop business opportunities in market areas of particular interest for Tuscan businesses .

    托斯卡纳经济促进局组织经济考察,研讨会以及和国外经济和机构代表团的会面,以发展 托斯卡纳企业感兴趣的市场地区的贸易机会。

  • They have also developed the grounds around the spa so it now hosts an 18-hole championship golf course set over 70 hectares of Tuscan hills .

    三兄弟还开发了水疗城的周边土地,在面积超过70公顷的 托斯卡纳坡地上,如今已建起一座能举办高尔夫锦标赛的18洞场地。

  • And Tuscan winemaker Piergiorgio Castellani became a technical adviser to the project .

    同时 托斯卡尼的酿酒师PiergiorgioCastellani成为了这个计划的技术顾问。

  • Tuscan Port Logistics system : Livorno Carrara and Piombino .


  • Balzaretti is likely to make the journey alongside teammate Valeri Bojinov who is still part owned by the Tuscan outfit .

    巴尔扎雷蒂可能与队友博季诺夫一起过去,后者的一部分所有权被 佛罗伦萨所有。

  • Analysis of some morphological indexes in hybrid progeny from the cross of Golden Delicious × Tuscan

    金冠× 舞乐 苹果杂种后代几个形态指标的分析

  • Decorated in a traditional Tuscan style this room features a flat-screen TV a small fridge and free Wi-Fi .

    这类客房以传统的 托斯卡纳风格装饰,配有平面电视、小冰箱和免费无线网络连接。

  • Featuring Tuscan cuisine Comfortable Surroundings Tasteful Deco

    特色 意大利 托斯卡纳风味环境舒适装饰典雅

  • A.yes I do use Tuscan Soul a lot ; normally I would put the fragrance on my neck and around the face .

    是的, 托斯卡纳 阳光是我的常用香水。通常我会将它喷在我的脖子上和脸部周围。

  • That 's why we produced a project with the name Tuscan Soul .

    这就是我们 开始这个名为 托斯卡纳 阳光项目的原因。

  • Meanwhile Martin Jorgensen is hoping that Fiorentina will strike a deal with Udinese so that he can continue his Tuscan adventure .

    同时,马丁约根森希望佛罗伦萨会与乌迪内斯敲定一纸协议,那样他就能继续他在 托斯卡纳的旅程了。

  • Gaze on the world 's best artwork get lost in the city 's historic streets or take a drive through the Tuscan countryside .

    欣赏着世界最顶级的艺术作品,迷失在历史悠久的街道,驾车穿梭 托斯卡纳的乡村 美景

  • From the famous Tuscan area Chianti comes the Chianti Riserva .

    庞帝庄康帝珍藏干红来自 托斯卡纳知名的康帝产区。

  • Tuscan hill towns beckon .


  • A thick high wall circled the town as if the whole thing had been thrown like a discus into the Tuscan hills .

    一堵厚实的高墙环城而 感觉就像整个城市像铁饼一样给扔到了 托斯卡纳山上。

  • Using here my Pacifica Tuscan Blood Orange body butter I am going to moisturize all the dry areas on my skin like elbows knees feet hands and pretty much the rest of my body cause its really dry .

    用我这瓶Pacifica的 托斯卡尼红橙身体乳液,我将滋润所有我肌肤上干燥的地方,像是手肘、膝盖、脚、手和几乎我身体剩下的部位,因为它真的很干。