turtle shell

[ˈtɚtl ʃɛl][ˈtə:tl ʃel]


  • Confirmed in further studies turtle also contain Oligopeptide constituents and the oligopeptide separation purification and identification of vinegar turtle shell powder in the water extract which has a seven-peptide compounds .

    工作中进一步研究证实,鳖甲中还含有寡肽类成分,并对醋 鳖甲粉末水提液中的寡肽进行了分离、纯化与结构鉴定,得到了一个七肽化合物。

  • A turtle obtrudes its head from its shell .

    海龟从他的 里伸出它的头。

  • Identification of Traditional Chinese Crude Drug Turtle Shell Using PCR Product Direct Sequencing Method

    用聚合酶链反应产物直接测序技术鉴定中药材 鳖甲

  • Turtle pulled her head and feet inside her shell .

    乌龟把头和脚缩进 里。

  • Does it look like a turtle shell ?

    像不像 乌龟

  • Back inside your stupid turtle shell and give up .

    缩回你的 ,然后放弃。

  • The turtle is protected by its hard shell .

    受到它的 硬壳的保护。

  • Voracious aquatic turtle with a flat flexible shell covered by a leathery skin ; can inflict painful bites .

    贪吃的水栖 ,其平展而柔软的 外还有一层坚韧的表皮;被其咬伤的伤口会很疼。

  • If we touch the hands of the small turtles it would shrink its head and limbs immediately to Pui ( turtle ) shell inside .

    如果我们用手去碰小乌龟的时候,它会把头和四肢立刻缩到贝( 里面。

  • ObjectiveTo study the preventive and therapeutic effect of compound prescription with turtle shell ( CPTS ) on rats with IPF ( Idiopathic pulmonary interstitial fibrosis ) caused by Bleomycin A5 .

    目的通过 观察细胞凋亡,探讨复方 鳖甲软肝方防治肺纤维化的机理和疗效。

  • If a turtle doesn 't have a shell is he homeless or naked ?

    如果一 乌龟失去了 ,它是无家可归还是一丝不挂?

  • If a turtle doesnt have a shell is it naked or homeless ?

    如果一 乌龟没有 ,那它是在裸奔还是无家可归?

  • A turtle hiding in her shell is more like it .

    说她是 乌龟还更贴切。

  • Design and Study on the Whole Glass and Vacuum Turtle Shell Shape Solar Collector


  • River turtle of western United States with a warty shell ; prefers quiet water .

    美国西部 上生疣的河 ;喜欢在安静的水里。

  • Result : 2 kinds of counterfeit turtle shell and 3 kinds of counterfeit tortoise plastron were found and their morphological and DTA identification features were proposed .

    结果:发现鳖甲伪品2种, 龟甲伪品3种,并提出鳖甲、龟甲类药材的形态和差热鉴定特征。

  • Is this the turtle 's so-called shell ? It slides along the ground .

    这是因为 乌龟 才叫 的?它沿着方向在场地上滚动。

  • The turtle has a very hard shell .

    乌龟有很坚硬的 外壳

  • The prehistoric religion included three traditions characterized respectively by differ-ent divinatory objects : turtle shell zong-jade and bone .


  • China is the country about the earliest record and treated hemorrhoids in medical history . Three thousand years ago names of diseases like diarrhea and abdominal illness were appeared and put down in writing on the turtle shell .

    我国是医学史上对痔的记载和治疗最早的国家,在距今3000千年的殷商时代,古人镌刻于 龟甲上已记载了下痢,疾腹等病名。

  • Root of rehmannia root bark of peony turtle shell tortoise plastron and rhizome of wind weed are 71 % 57 % 50 % 43 % and 43 % .

    生地、丹皮、 鳖甲、龟板和知母等滋补肝肾药的使用频率依次为71%、57%、50%、43%和43%

  • The turtle shell is strong enough to support the weight of a man .

    海龟 结实得可以承受一个人的重量。

  • Effect of oral medicinal liquid of turtle shell on spleen vacuity mice


  • Chiefly terrestrial turtle of North America ; shell can be closed tightly .

    主要是陆栖的北美洲 ;其 能够封闭得很严。

  • Of course I am a turtle ! Look at my shell !

    我就是只 乌龟 !看我的

  • It was the turtle shell which the Mute Singer used as a beggar 's cup for money .

    那是沉默的歌手用来 讨钱的罐子。

  • The prescription containing astragalus prepared rehmannia root turtle shell centella salvia rhubarb lumbricus leech Poria and fructus amomi showed good effect to cure DGP by replenishing Qi and Yin eliminating stasis and dredging meridians .

    临床上我们采用益气养阴化瘀通络中药(黄芪、熟地、 鳖甲、地龙、水蛭、积雪草、丹参、大黄、茯苓、砂仁等)治疗DGP取得了较好的疗效。

  • The small turtle besides the shell is a bottle green and four feet but also has the tail is the greenishness .

    乌龟除了 是深绿色以外,头和四只脚,还有尾巴都是浅绿色的。