turn to account

[tɚn tu əˈkaʊnt][tə:n tu: əˈkaunt]


  • Some scholars believe that we can introduce notional defined contribution . But the author thinks that NDC is also a kind of transitional mode for pension and it will eventually turn to individual account .

    有部分学者认为可以引进名义账户制,但笔者认为名义账户制也是解决转制成本的一种过渡性质的养老保险模式,在过渡的阶段可以引入,但最终也是 转向做实个人 账户 道路

  • If we are to receive benefit from our captivity we must accept the situation and turn it to the best possible account .

    假若我们要从「被掳」之中得益,我们必须接受所处的环境,尽可能 加以改善。

  • If we have built our own altar to turn away from the LORD and to offer burnt offerings and grain offerings or to sacrifice fellowship offerings on it may the LORD himself call us to account .

    为自己筑坛,要 去不跟从耶和华,或是 燔祭,素祭,平安祭献在坛上,愿耶和华亲自讨我们的

  • We must turn to good account all such fights rifts and contradictions in the enemy camp and turn them against our present main enemy .

    我们要 敌人 营垒中间的一切争斗、缺口、矛盾,统统收集起来,作为反对当前主要敌人之用。

  • Oh we may learn a little about the behavior of the human body at high altitudes and possibly medical men may turn our observation to some account for the purposes of aviation .

    啊对了,我们会学到人体在高海拔的反应, 医的人可能会 我们的观察中 得到 用于航空的知识。

  • Effective organization good operation performance management system combined with the organization and individual development needs for training and development which give full scope to the talents turn material resources to good account .

    有效的组织、运行良好的绩效管理体系,结合组织与个人发展需要进行培训与开发,使得人尽其才、 物尽其用

  • Provided we draw useful lessons from them we may turn difficulties to good account .

    假如我们从中吸取教训,将可以 逆境 顺境

  • Want to turn money to negotiable securities account ahead of schedule .

    要提前 转到证券 户头上。

  • We shall be unable to turn natural advantages to account unless we make use of local guides .

    不用乡导,不能得 地利

  • How can we make a creative use of trials and turn them to good account in our lives ?

    我们又如何能够把我们生活当中的 诸多试炼 转化成创造性的力量,并且 它们成就美好的 结果呢?

  • This paper points out that we should first peg to a basket of currencies then turn to Target-Zone foreign exchange regime when the capital account almost opens and Chinese economy is powerful enough then turn to floating rate regime .

    人民币汇率制度应该立即 转向钉住一篮子货币汇率制度,在中期 汇率目标区汇率制度过渡,在资本 账户基本对外开放且中国经济实力足够强大的时候,迈向独立浮动汇率制度。

  • To sell improve manage exchange lease let mortgage or turn to account all or any part of the land property rights and privileges of the Company .

    销售、改良、管理、交流、租赁、出租、按揭或 利用公司的 全体或任何部分的土地、财产、权利及特权。

  • By a singular turn of events I alone was able to write them down since I alone was privy to the very last details without which it would have been quite impossible to piece together a full and satisfying account .

    由于一种特殊的 机缘,只有我 才能 这个故事写出来,因为唯独我洞悉这件事情的始末,除了我谁也不可能写出一篇完整、动人的故事来。

  • Accident without significant off-site risk International Nuclear Event Scale w_1238 It is wise to turn circumstances to good account .

    无明显场外危险的事故〔国际核事件分级〕这故事 说明,我们 遇事随机应变避免危险。

  • Turn to full account to the tourist resources and set up a provincial tourist zone ;

    4 充分开发旅游资源,创建旅游大省;

  • For a switch in pace readers should turn to the account of the downfall of Lehman Brothers the 158-year-old Wall Street investment bank .

    如果想转换一下节奏,读者应该 看看有关拥有158年历史的华尔街投行雷曼兄弟倒闭的 报道

  • We must turn our time to better account .

    我们 必须更好 利用时间。

  • Departments and units have to turn in capital over budget of financial special account to capital over budget special account which is set by financial departments in the bank by the financial department stated time without being delayed remained and using collected cash for payment .

    部门和单位 上缴财政专户的预算外资金,必须按财政部门规定的时间及时缴 财政部门在银行开设的预算外资金 专户,不得拖欠、截留和坐收坐支。

  • We must turn everything available to account in order to develop our national economy .

    为了发展我们的国民经济,我们必须 利用一切可以利用的 条件

  • After wanting to turn money to stock account first ability buys a share .

    要先 转到股票 帐户之后才能买股票。

  • In the lipid metabolism of liver there were always some parts of phospholipids turn to plasmalogen forms which only account for 0 ~ 5 % .

    已知肝脏的磷脂代谢中,总有部分 转化 缩醛形式,含量很低的肝源性缩醛磷脂,通常只 0-5%,但它却能直接被转移到脂蛋白上。

  • Why my dear mother It Is necessary In order to make your advIce turn to account that I should know beforehand what I have to dIstrust .

    噢,亲爱的妈妈,为了您的 忠告 有用,我必须要知道我究竟怕什么。

  • We must turn everything to account in order to develop our national economy at a rate never known before in our history .

    我们必须 利用一切条件,以空前 未有的速度发展我国国民经济。