


  • The turnbuckle is used for leveling the arm .

    螺丝 是用来平衡 臂的。

  • Two cables are routed from the turnbuckle to the parking brakes on the rear axle .

    螺旋 到后轴驻车制动 布置了两条拉线。

  • Analysis on contact and connection behavior of casing thread joints shows that the performance of thread plays a important role on the connection between turnbuckle and steel rod .

    通过对钢棒螺纹连接的接触 有限 分析,发现 牙性能对钢棒的连接性能有着重要的影响。

  • While for the equipment structure they were the sectional area of nozzle the pitch between screw and its turnbuckle clearance rotate speed and the depth of the whorl on the turnbuckle .

    就设备的结构而言:喷嘴的截面积、螺杆与 的螺距、间隙、转速、螺套螺纹的深浅是影响膨化度的主要因素。

  • Disengaging the relevant parking brake cable from the turnbuckle .

    将相关的驻车制动器拉线从 螺丝 旋开

  • A piece of iron wire connects the arm to the turnbuckle then a piece of guitar string is used to connect it to the top of the frame where it passes over a small steel plate with a V filed in it .

    用一段铁丝把 臂和 螺丝 连接起来,然后再用一段吉他弦把 螺丝 连接到框架的顶端,经过一片用锉刀锉出V型 刻痕的小钢板。

  • Clark 's mouth was freezed with the turnbuckle .

    克拉克的嘴 螺丝 了。

  • Engage brake cable sideways into the turnbuckle .

    将制动器拉线侧向接合到 螺丝