


v.试图( try的现在分词)试验,尝试审讯

  • She closed her eyes for a moment trying to think

    她闭了一会儿眼睛, 努力思考着。

  • She had spent years trying to track down her parents

    她已经花了好多年时间 试图追寻父母的下落。

  • I 'm just trying to look out for you

    我只是 想要为你着想。

  • I 've been trying to give up smoking for getting on for two years now

    到现在,我 设法戒烟已快两年了。

  • I know you carry on with some girl named Zhu . You 're just trying to get round her .

    我知道你和 姓朱的女工吊膀子,你想哄骗她。

  • I thought he was trying to blackmail me into saying whatever he wanted .

    我认为他 敲诈我,让我说出他想知道的一切。

  • I stood still trying to invent a plausible excuse .

    我站着不动, 试图编个说得过去的借口。

  • I have watched parents trying to reason with their children and have never seen it work .

    我曾经见到家长 试图和他们的孩子讲道理,但是从没有见过这招奏效。

  • He studied his map trying to memorize the way to Rose 's street .

    他研究了地图, 试图记住到罗丝家那条街的路。

  • Am I trying too hard ?

    我是 不是 努力过头了?

  • I 've given up trying to get a visa ; there is too much red tape involved .

    我不 再去搞签证了,繁文缛节太多。

  • I 'm trying to persuade you to be more sensible .


  • The police have been trying to prevent them carrying weapons .

    警方一直都 设法阻止他们携带武器。

  • I was only trying to help

    我只是 想要帮忙。

  • I don 't think you are trying real hard .

    我觉得你并没有真正努力 尝试

  • I suggest trying once more .

    我建议 再试一次。

  • Don 't have any more to do with him he 's trying to make a fool of you .

    别再理他了,他 正在捉弄你呢。

  • If I see her I 'll tell her you 've been trying to reach her .

    如果见到她,我会告诉她你一直 尝试联系她。

  • I 'm not trying to glorify or idealise women .

    我不是 美化女人或把她们理想化。

  • I 'm trying to cope . These things happen . You have to cope .

    我在 想法处理。这种事难免发生,只能想办法处理。

  • You helped me to hold on at times when I didn 't think I could even go on trying .

    在我认为自己甚至无法继续 尝试的时候,你帮我坚持了下来。

  • Bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do .

    我逐渐明白了他们 想要干什么。

  • I was trying to think what else we had to do .

    我在 努力想我们还得做些什么。

  • I would hate him to think I 'm trying to trap him

    我不愿让他以为我是 给他设圈套。

  • I spent a long time trying to talk him round but he just wouldn 't listen .


  • They 're just trying it on — I don 't believe they 'll go this far .

    他们只是 花招——我不相信他们会走到这一步。

  • Dr. Johnson and I have been trying to build him up physically .

    约翰逊医生和我一直 试图增强他的体质。

  • Finally trying to respect her wishes I said I 'd leave .

    最后, 为了尊重她的意愿,我说我会离开。

  • I got a message you were trying to reach me

    我收到一条留言,说你 跟我联系。

  • Don 't give me a hard time boys . I 'm trying to study .

    别捣蛋,伙计们,我 学习了。