trouble chart

[ˈtrʌbəl tʃɑrt][ˈtrʌbl tʃɑ:t]


  • And talking o ' trouble why did that doctor give me the chart Jim ? '

    说到 麻烦 ,吉姆,大夫为什么把那 给我?

  • In accordance with the experience the paper discusses the trouble reason and its solution to the PC-20X30 numerical plasma cutter in detail and then introduces the maintenance flow chart .

    结合实践经验,详细分析 PC-20X30等离子切割机的常见 故障及成因,并给出了维修步骤的流程

  • Researched the theory of control chart realize the statistics calculation and the control status judging as that in the control chart by computer ? Connecting with automatic inspecting and adjusting device to realize the quality automatic control to avoid the hard trouble in hand drawing the control chart .

    对控制图原理进行研究,采用计算机实现统计量的计算和控制状态的判断,并与生产线上的自动检测设备、调节设备连接,实现质量自动控制的目的,避免手工绘制控制 繁琐