



  • The socialist democracy ask she Troth the Troth and the Credit have been to the political culture base .

    政治 诚信成为当代政治文明一块不可缺少的文化基石。

  • So you 're finally plighting your troth are you ?

    你终于 订婚了,是不是?

  • LYSANDER One turf shall serve as pillow for us both ; One heart one bed two bosoms and one troth .

    一块草地可以作我们两人枕首的地方;两个胸膛 一条心,应该合睡在一个眠床。

  • In troth recently the bad news about teachers happened continually ; even some teachers were hit by students .

    越来 大了。 的确,最近新闻对教师的 丑闻接连不断,甚至一些班主任被打!

  • The importance of the Troth and Credit the to the Civilization in material first it can support the credit institution .

    诚信文化对于物质文明的意义,一是对信用制度的支持, 是其 渗透 经济 活动中的诚信 理念

  • Relationship Between Logical Troth and Factual Truth in the View of Leibniz 's Theory of Truth

    从莱布尼茨的真理 观看逻辑 真理与事实真理的关系

  • Tell a lie and find a troth .

    “撒一个谎 以便发现一 真事

  • I believe his troth .

    我相信他的 誓言

  • The Troth and the Credit are the common claim of the social Civilization .


  • She have no intention of plight her troth at the moment .

    目前她尚无意 婚嫁

  • I wonder by my troth what thou and I did till we loved ?

    我真不 明白,你我相爱之前在干什么?

  • One heart one bed two bosoms and one troth .

    一颗心,一张床,两个胸怀,一个 信念

  • This troth seems to be self-evident .

    这个 真理似乎是不言而喻的。

  • Troth : the passport of enterprise and society to development


  • Larger-than-life personalities plighting their troth and looking towards a bright tomorrow rarely feature .

    人们很少见到这些企业个性鲜明地起誓, 畅想光明的未来。