


  • They are called pseudo-WYSIWYG because they use color boldness and other typographic attributes to emulate a word processor with XML content .

    由于它们使用颜色、黑体字和其它 排版属性来模仿能处理XML内容的字处理器,因此被称为“伪所见即所得”。

  • Several typographic conventions are used in main text to guide the readers eye .

    为了方面读者阅读,正文采用了几种 典型 排版约定。

  • Since ancient time Typographic on human development and progress plays an important role in doubt .

    自古至今, 文字对人类发展与进步起到了重要作用毋庸置疑。 伴随消费 时代 到来,对于 文字 设计的研究也 更加具有现实意义。

  • Double dagger : A typographic symbol used as a third order reference mark . Cut marks : American term meaning marks printed on a sheet to indicate the edge of page to be trimmed . Called Trim mark in Britain .

    双剑号:用于第三个脚注的 印刷 字体 附注符号。裁切记号:印地纸上,指示裁切 位置的符号。

  • I will pay you $ 1 for every typographic error you find .

    你们每找出一 印刷错误,我会支付1美元。

  • The relationship between typographic text blocks and its surrounding empty space is deciphered as Lee organizes an aesthetic dialogue between the three organic forms ;

    印刷 块与周边空白的关系被解码,三个有机形体之间被安排了美学上的对话。

  • Investigation on the General Layout Plan for Technical Improvement Project of W & Mo System in Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Works Informal Discussion about the International Typographic Style

    株洲硬质合金厂 钨钼系统技改总平面设计方案探讨

  • Bold : Typographic term for a heavier than standard weight of a type face .

    黑体: 印刷 字体 的名词,指笔划较标准的 字体为粗的字体。

  • Alignment : Typographic term to indicate the position of each type is perfectly aligned across a base line . The term in full is Base alignment . Align : To place letters words designs etc on the same horizontal or vertical line .

    基线对齐: 印刷 字体 的术语。指每个字母都沿着它的基线对齐位置。对齐:把字母,单字或设计等等沿着同一水平或垂直对齐排列。

  • Studies will expand to include text applications grid systems layout and page systems and typographic expression and communication .

    研究工作将扩大到包括文本应用,电网系统,页面布局和系统,以及 印刷的表达和沟通。

  • Overall designers are paying closer attention to typographic details such as leading line height and choice of font .

    总的来说,设计师投入更多精力在 排版的细节方面,如主次 关系,行高和字体的选择。

  • Typographic logos will never fade from the designer 's sphere of vision because they deliver not only simplicity but also attractiveness-a sort of silent elegance .

    印刷 标志永远不会从设计师的视觉领域褪色,因为他们提供了一种不仅简单,而且有吸引力的无声的优雅。

  • Sadly the best marks become adulterated when typographic support is not managed with skill and talent and the rest of the graphic elements tumble down in quality .

    不幸的是,当 印刷 不再是技能和天才的体现,图形元素也质量低下时,最好的商标也开始掺假。

  • Typographic Design Revolution in the 21st Century

    21世纪 编排革命

  • The standard of Naxi pictograph typographic fonts and the method of making them are proposed which lay a foundation for the development of various Naxi pictographic fonts and the application of other technologies .

    提出了纳西象形文印刷体的标准以及制作方法,为以后纳西象形文多种 字体的开发以及其它应用技术奠定了基础。

  • The modern printing system has been established with typographic printing and lithographic printing as the main methods .

    活版 铅印和石印为主要方式的近代化印刷体系已经开始建立。

  • LaTeX is great for sophisticated typography ; but it also has lots of tags and these articles don 't need typographic sophistication .

    LaTeX特别适合复杂的印刷格式;但它也有许多标记,而这些文章并不需要复杂的 印刷 格式

  • Typographic Design is particularly widespread for application in modern graphic design .


  • Typographic Printing : Its Invention Development and Dissemination In Song-Yuan Dynasties

    活字 印刷术的发明及其在宋元时代的发展与传播