



  • The ultimate sin was not infidelity but public mention which led to scandal .


  • This hotel is the ultimate in luxury

    该酒店 极尽奢华。

  • Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary

    他们 最终的目标是为匈牙利建立起市场经济体制。

  • Of course the ultimate authority remained the presidency

    当然,拥有 最高权力者依然是总统。

  • The Nobel prize has become the ultimate accolade in the sciences

    诺贝尔奖已成为科学界的 最高荣誉。

  • Coleman lives in fear of the ultimate disgrace .

    科尔曼整天担心会颜面 尽失

  • A marvellous discovery for every bride-to-be The Wedding Centre is the ultimate one-stop shop .

    每位准新娘都会惊喜地发现, 婚庆中心提供全方位的一站式服务。

  • New York is the ultimate manifestation of American values .

    纽约是美国价值观的 终极体现。

  • As an ultimate sanction they can sell their shares .

    作为 最高的处罚,他们可以出售他们的股份。

  • He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters .

    他在神学和政治事务上都是 最终的仲裁人。

  • The ultimate cause of what 's happened seems to have been the advertising campaign .

    出事的 根本原因似乎在于那场广告宣传活动。

  • He is the ultimate English gentleman

    他是最 典型的英国绅士。

  • The president has been able to assert his ultimate supremacy over the prime minister .

    总统行使了高于总理的 最高决策权。

  • The brain is the ultimate fountain of ideas .

    大脑是思想的 根本源泉。

  • Treachery was the ultimate sin

    背叛是 不可 饶恕的罪孽。

  • The military is based on the principle that the ultimate authority resides in the armed forces .

    军队建立的基本原则就是 最高权力属于武装部队。

  • American clippers were the ultimate sailing ships .

    美国快速帆船是 顶级的大型帆船。

  • Working from home offers the ultimate in flexible life styles .

    在家办公为人们提供了 极其灵活的生活方式。

  • Ballet is the ultimate in human movement

    芭蕾舞在人类的动作中可谓优雅 至极

  • His ultimate aim is to demerge the group

    他的 最终目的是要拆分这个集团。

  • Computer games are the ultimate anorak pursuit .

    电脑游戏是电脑 的大爱。

  • Being removed from his post during operations is the ultimate humiliation for a ship 's captain .

    在执行任务的过程中被免职,这对一位船长来说是 莫大的耻辱。

  • Caviar and oysters on ice are generally considered the ultimate luxury foods .

    一般认为,鱼子酱和冰镇牡蛎是 顶级美味。

  • My experience as player coach and manager has prepared me for this ultimate challenge .

    当球员、教练和主教练的经历锻炼了我,使我能够应对这一 终极挑战。

  • The ultimate aim is to expand the network further .


  • He said it is still not possible to predict the ultimate outcome

    他说现在还无法预料 最终的结局。

  • Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay .

    这些争论忽略了 最终责任由谁来负的问题。

  • For me spaghetti bolognese is the ultimate comfort food .

    意大利 肉酱面是绝好的安慰食物。

  • Plants are the ultimate source of all foodstuffs

    植物是所有食物的 根本来源。