ultimate principles

[法] 基本原理

  • During Han and Tang Dynasty the ultimate principles and natures of the two sides mentioned above are entirely different .

    汉唐时代家庭继承制度中,上述两种继承的 基本 原则与精神恰相泾渭。

  • Discusses the ultimate norms and basic principles of the deep ecology and its contribution to the modem environmental value and limits .

    论述了深生态学的 最高规范和基本 原则,深生态学对现代环境价值观念的贡献及其认识局限。

  • Ultimate Principles of Constructing Resources of Contemporary Mankind

    人类建构资源活动的三个 原则

  • Theoretical experiment of the High School Chemistry an important component of the high school chemical experiment is a powerful tool to acquire basic concepts and ultimate principles . As an important way of exploring the world systematology contains profound philosophy .

    中学化学原理性实验作为中学化学实验的重要组成部分,是获得基本概念、 原理的有力工具; 系统论是研究事物的重要方法,蕴含着深刻的哲理。

  • Taking sustainable development as the ultimate goal of urban mass transit planning the paper discusses the basic principles and methods in applying BRT to resolve traffic congestion and environment pollution in China .

    以可持续发展为城市公共交通发展规划的 最终目标,论述中国城市应用巴士快速交通系统解决交通拥挤与环境污染的基本 原则和方法。

  • As a result the ultimate design goal is providing to the Web services consumer application a set of classes that make up a reusable adapter layer engineered according to the principles cited above .

    最终设计目标是,为Web服务消费者应用提供一组类,这些类根据上面引述的 原则组成了可重用适配器层。

  • That part is the ultimate goal and purpose of this article focused on the achievement of principles methods and measures of self-education in the ideological and political education .

    该部分是本文的 落脚点和归宿,着重探讨了思想政治教育自我教育实现的 原则、方法以及措施的问题。

  • The optical Doppler formula is discussed from the ultimate principles of relativity in this paper and the forms of expression are pointed out under different conditions .

    本文从相对论 基本 原理出发讨论光学多普勒公式,指出了在不同条件下的表示形式。

  • In criminal proceedings there is an ultimate destination system on which relevant principles and regimes : based meanwhile the ultimate system can be reset by way of adjusting and correcting those principles and regimes .

    刑事诉讼 终极目的体系的 配置取向决定其实现途径和相关制度,而通过对相关制度的修正和调整又可以使目的体系得以重新配置。

  • The ultimate principles of NOx formation low NOx burner and air staged combustion are analyzed herein . The 300 MW lean coal high efficency low NOx combustion technology is optimistically simulated and OFA optimization design is introduced .

    本文详细分析了NOx生成 机理,低NOx燃烧器以及炉内空气分级燃烧的 机理及其影响因素,并对300MW贫煤锅炉高效低NOx燃烧技术进行优化模拟,对 OFA优化设计作了介绍。

  • The ultimate guidelines for PA are the principles and standards that are recognized and accepted by international communities .

    为此PA的 最高指导思想是国际上公认的 原则和指南。

  • Based on the analysis of the properties of intimacy this paper points out that the ultimate difference between intimate groups and other social groups especially stranger groups derives from the difference between the basis of trust and its applicable principles ;

    立基于对亲密关系的属性分析之上,文章指出在信任基础和适用 原则的不同是亲密关系同其他社会群体尤其是陌生人群体的 根本不同。

  • This nature of language to shadow and present determines the ultimate understanding of texts is only achieved with the integration of visions through the principles of hermeneutic cycle .

    正是语言的这种既遮蔽又自我显示的特点,决定了对文学文本的理解 最终要通过解释学循环的 原则达到视界的融合,求得真正的理解。

  • The differences display in the meaning the discipline foundation the theory basis the content and the methods . The similarities mainly display in the ultimate objectives the principles the basic process the discussion technology and the service .

    区别表现在含义、学科基础、理论依据、内容与方法上存在差异,联系主要表现在 终极目标、 原则、基本过程、会谈技术与提供服务的方式上基本一致。

  • Then the ultimate principles of heat transmission theory and thermal stress theory have specification ; the thermal stress of sluice when temperature is variance during operating period is analyzed .

    然后详述了热传导理论,热应力理论的 基本 原理,分析了运行期温度变化时水闸的温度应力,为下一步工作奠定了基础;

  • At the time it was very far from commonsense and it 's a mark of how far we have come that we now accept the ultimate principles of science are ones that we cannot hope to base on pure reason .

    但是当那些内容远没有成为常识的时代,当我们如今已经接受的,自然科学和 最终 原理还未被采纳的时代,我们不能寄希望于纯粹的推理。

  • Secondly the ultimate principles of temperature field and thermal stress of concrete construction are illustrated in the aspect of heat transmission theory . Sluice temperature field and FEM form of thermal stress are deduced .

    接着从热传导理论叙述了混凝土结构温度场和温度应力的 基本 原理,推导了适合水闸结构的温度场和温度应力有限元列式;

  • Ultimate principles questions causes

    基本 原理、问题、原因

  • The first chapter mainly focuses on the ultimate goal of legislative procedures the ideal order of human society and the basic functional principles of legislative procedures in the process to achieve the objective .

    本文共分三章,第一章着重探讨了立法程序所服务于的 终极目标,即理想的人类社会秩序,以及立法程序在促进该目标实现的过程中发挥功能的基本 原理

  • So we have to make due with a science in which the ultimate principles are once which we have to accept and as I have suggested in the case of quantum mechanics that is in fact where we are .

    这样我们就必须将自然科学的 最终 原理单一化,并将其接受,就好比我们现在所接受的量子机械学。

  • Based on this theory Marx and Engels established the ultimate interpretation principles and the procedural interpretation principles .

    在此理论基础上,马克思恩格斯确立了他们文化观的 终极性解释 原则和过程性解释原则。

  • They identified spiritual culture as the concept of the superstructure defined the cultural development ultimately constrained by the economic infrastructure development . The production and reproduction of real life is always the decisive factor in the process of cultural development the ultimate nature of principles of interpretation .

    他们把精神文化确定为观念的上层建筑,明确了观念文化的发展最终要受经济基础发展的制约、现实生活的生产和再生产始终是文化发展进程的决定性因素的 终极性解释 原则

  • This paper introduces ultimate principles of self organized growth of nanometer quantum dots self organized growth mechanism of various quantum dots and their photoluminescence properties .

    文中主要介绍了量子点自组织生长的 基本 原理、几种不同类型量子点的自组织生长及其光致发光特性。