
  • It gives ua identity as a society .

    它给了我们作为社会一 份子的身份。

  • In addition to standardized exchange of PLC process data the OPC UA solution from Beckhoff also offers device-specific information and services .

    除了标准化PLC过程数据的交换,倍福的 OPC统一架构解决方案还提供特殊设备信息和服务。

  • Angular contact ball bearings of universal design UO or UA are supplied with normal tolerances ( no suffix for the tolerance ) and upon request with tolerance class P5 ( suffix P5 .

    可提供普通公差(公差无后缀)的角接触球轴承UO或者 UA通用设计 ,并且,也能提供P5级别公差(后缀P5。

  • Objective : To study the relationship of serum concentration of UN Cr and UA and those in saliva .

    目的:研究血清与唾液中尿素 、肌酐、 尿酸含量的相互关系。

  • Correlation Analysis and Clinic Application Levels of UN Cr and UA of Saliva and Serum

    唾液和血清中尿素 、肌酐、 尿酸含量相关性分析及临床应用研究

  • The Clinical Value of Plasma BNP and Serum UA in Patients with Heart Failure

    心力衰竭患者血浆脑钠肽与血清 尿酸变化的临床价值

  • Methods In the present experiment UA in the serum was studied in78 HAPC patients and80 healthy controls at highland .

    方法选择HAPC患者78例,采集患者静脉血检测血清中 尿酸的含量,并与80例高原健康人作对照研究。

  • Where is the boarding gate for UA one one one ?

    联合 航空 公司 一一一 航班是在哪个登机门?

  • Is this the gate for the UA eight two eight flight ?

    联合 航空 公司 八二八次航班是在这个门吗?

  • Objective To study the correlation of blood lipid fasting blood glucose ( FBG ) and blood uric acid ( UA ) with incidence of primary hypertension .

    目的研究并分析 北京 大学 职工血脂、空腹血糖(FBG)、血尿酸( UA水平因素与高血压患病率之间的关系。

  • Adding a term for white matter hyperintensity attenuated these associations such that UA no longer predicted cognitive performance .

    而白质密度则削弱了这一关系,从而无法通过血浆 尿酸浓推测认知功能。

  • The SIP User Agent ( UA ) typically initiates the call flow with an INVITE message to a SIP-aware service .

    SIPUserAgent( UA)一般用对能察觉SIP的服务的INVITE消息启动调用流。

  • This article reviews effects of UA on cancer cell proliferation signal transduction pathway and anti-vascular disease in order to provide some new ideas on the development of UA .

    本文就 UA对肿瘤细胞增殖信号通路的影响和抗心血管疾病作用研究进展方面进行综述,以期为UA的开发提供新思路。

  • Direct UA TCP communication is available as soon as a PLC is available in the network .

    一旦网络中有一台PLC可用,直接 UATCP通信马上可以实现。

  • We 're gonna need a obo lytes and a ua .


  • To understand the relationship between levels of serum TG TC GLU UA with sex and age .

    目的了解 高校 教师血清甘油三酯、总胆固醇、血糖和 尿酸水平与性别、年龄的关系。

  • The motion for Ua and Wailele is the same .


  • The joining and membership fees are payable to the DLMS ua .

    入会费和会员 费应付给。

  • Objective : To observe the concentration of P-selectin in UA of CHD patients Reated by Huoxue Yishen .

    目的观察中药活血益肾法对冠心病 稳定 绞痛患者P-选择素浓度的影响。

  • Objective : To observe the effect of normal treatment combined with Baoxin Tongluo Decoction on blood-fat and blood rheology of patients with unstable angina pectoris ( UA ) .

    目的:观察在标准治疗基础上加用保心通络汤对冠心病不稳定性心绞痛( UA)患者的血脂及血液流变学的影响。

  • They propose to replace the atomism reductionism objectivity determinism and quantati tive study with holism constructionism deobjectification problematicism and Q UA litative study .

    他们主张用整体论、建构论、去客观化、或然论和定性研究来取代心理学研究中 因袭已久的原子论、还原论、客观论、决定论和定量分析。

  • Conclusion The study indicates that UA should be concentrated on in the patients with HAPC .

    结论在治疗高原红细胞增多症时应关注患者 尿酸 水平

  • User agents ( UAs ) help users access MHS .

    各用户代理( UA)帮助用户接入MHS。

  • A New Era of the Configuration Software based on OPC UA and . NET Platform

    基于OPC UA和.NET平台的组态软件新时代

  • Objective To investigate the effect and safety of hydroxychloroquine ( HCQ ) on serum uric acid ( UA ) in gout arthritis .

    目的探讨羟氯喹治疗对痛风患者血尿酸( UA)和血脂的影响及其安全性。

  • Which carousel is the baggage from UA one two three coming in on ?

    请问 联合 航空 公司 一二三 航班的行李是在哪条传送带?

  • Objective To explore the relation between the level of Tbil Dbil UA blood lipid and occurance of atherosclerosis cerebral infarction .

    目的探讨血清胆红素、 尿酸及血脂与动脉粥样硬化性脑梗死关系。

  • Objective : To establish the method of seminal uric acid ( UA ) determination and investigate the correlation between the seminal UA level and semen parameters .

    目的:建立精浆尿酸( UA)的检测方法并探讨精浆UA水平与精液参数的相关性。

  • We create a $ ua variable ( an object of type LWP : : UserAgent ) to interact with the Flickr servers .

    我们创建一个 $ua变量(LWP::UserAgent类型的对象)来与Flickr服务器交互。

  • It 's on that sign board up there . See ? UA 801 . At gate 5 ! Have you paid the check yet ?

    在那边上面的荧幕板上,看到了吗? UA801。在五号登机门.你付过账了吗?