


  • The Tyrannosaurus in the movies is a terrible combination of speed and power .

    影片中的 霸王 是可怕的速度与力量的 化身

  • What 's the difference between a strawberry and a Tyrannosaurus ?

    草莓和 霸王 之间有什么区别?

  • Jennifer : Here put on the Tyrannosaurus Rex .

    珍妮花:拿去,把这 雷克斯 霸王 上。

  • We performed multiple analyses of Tyrannosaurus rex ( specimen MOR1125 ) fibrous cortical and medullary tissues remaining after demineralization .

    我们对 霸王 龙化石(标本MOR1125)脱矿质后残留的纤维皮质和髓质组织进行了复杂的分析。

  • Late Jurassic carnivorous dinosaur ; similar to but somewhat smaller than tyrannosaurus .

    后侏罗纪的食肉恐龙;与 暴龙 形似但有点小。

  • Awe : Keltner leads subjects across the scenic Berkeley campus to the life sciences building and seats them next to a full-size replica of a five-ton 25-foot-long Tyrannosaurus rex .

    敬畏:Keltner将受测者穿过风景如画的伯克利校园,来到生命科学大楼,将他们安排坐到一个5吨,长度25英尺(7.62米)的 暴龙旁边。

  • Unlike a barbarian however a rage drake is not fatigued after raging . late Jurassic carnivorous dinosaur ; similar to but somewhat smaller than tyrannosaurus .

    和野蛮人不同,狂暴龙兽在狂暴之后不会力竭。后侏罗纪的食肉恐龙;与 暴龙 形似但有点小。

  • Rigby 's Rex also known as Tyrannosaurus imperator or Black Death was hyped up by the media and fanatical T.rex supporters back when it was discovered .

    里格比的雷克斯,也称为 霸王 规划,施工和黑死病,是哗众取宠的媒体和狂热的支持者回暴龙时发现。

  • That is a Tyrannosaurus .

    那是 暴龙

  • What 's the best way to talk to a Tyrannosaurus a : long distance !

    怎样和 霸王 说话最好 答:离 远远的!

  • As you can see Tyrannosaurus is massive by any measure but what interests me is the actual build of the animals and most notably the respective skulls of our featured animals .

    你能看到 暴龙由任何措施是巨型的,但是什麽兴趣我显著地是动物和我们的特色动物的各自头骨的实际修造。

  • Tyrannosaurus Outdoor Club is built up by a group of young people who love outdoor sports full of ideals and full of passionate .

    霸王 户外俱乐部由一群热爱户外、满怀理想、充满激情 奋进的年轻人组成。

  • I think that 's why the Tyrannosaurus Rex went extinct .

    我想这能说明为什么 暴龙灭绝了。

  • That 's too late for Tyrannosaurus rex but perhaps not too late for us .

    这对于雷克斯 暴龙来说可能太晚了,但也许对于我们来说并不算晚。

  • The prize skull from a Tyrannosaurus bataar a close relative of the T.rex sat in the center of the room with no barriers around it .

    备受瞩目的是来自霸王 的近亲特 暴龙身上的这个头骨化石。它被摆放于展览室的中央,周围没有设任何围栏。

  • Bones of the Tyrannosaurus Rex have been found in the United States in Montana .

    在美国的蒙大拿州发现过 霸王 的化石。

  • Is feeding a Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops was discovered Tyrannosaurus rex has become dinner !

    一只正在觅食的三角龙被 霸王龙发现,成了霸王龙的晚餐!

  • Tyrannosaurus rex meet your Chinese cousin .

    霸王龙, 过来见见你的中国老表。

  • Tyrannosaurus rex was a large carnivore ; insectivorous plants are considered carnivores .


  • In the modern warfare for the air targets or ground targets the missile has become a powerful weapon like the existence of tyrannosaurus rex .

    在现代战争中,对于空中目标或地面目标,导弹已然成为 霸王 强有力武器的存在。

  • The largest carnivorous dinosaur was the tyrannosaurus rex .

    最大的肉食性恐龙是 霸王

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore ; insectivorous plants are considered carnivores . Effect of the ethanol extracts from the non-host plant species on the feeding of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens
