Ulan Bator



  • Instead it has become a cautionary tale as the project has been delayed by politics in Ulan Bator and by geopolitical wrangling between China Russia and other countries that want to play a part in its development .

    但是,它已经成为一个警示故事,该项目因 种种 因素被延误: 乌兰巴托的政治纠葛,以及希望参与该项目的中国、俄罗斯和其他国家的地缘政治角力。

  • Ulan Bator has become one of the many mining boomtowns spawned by Chinese demand .


  • In Ulan Bator there are plenty of people who are unemployed or below the poverty line and some are looking at such violence w_1044 as entertainment .


  • In Ulan Bator capital of Mongolia you can exchange RMB either in Bank or at all the currency exchange places .

    现在,在蒙古国首都 乌兰巴托除了在银行可以兑换人民币外,在所有的货币兑换点都可以兑换人民币。

  • Academy of the Science : Ulan Bator ; f.1921 .

    科学院: 乌兰巴托;1921年成立。

  • Number 60 on his list throw a dart at a map and visit the country it lands on took him to the capital of Mongolia Ulan Bator where he sampled the local culture and feasted on the Mongolian delicacy .

    清单上的第60项是往地图上掷飞镖,掷中哪个国家就去哪儿, 结果飞镖把他带到了蒙古首都 乌兰巴托。他 在此体验了当地文化,品尝了蒙古美食。

  • This summer hardware for a new trading system was shipped into Ulan Bator and new trading software is currently being installed .

    今年夏天,新交易系统所 的硬件 设施已经装配到 乌兰巴托 股票 市场,而新交易系统的软件 设施目前还在安装阶段。

  • But there remain big challenges for Ulan Bator to make itself into a modern financial hub .

    不过 乌兰巴托要想成为金融现代化的 衍生中心还面临更大挑战。

  • A Reflection of Current Situation of Chinese Education in Ulan Bator of Mongolia

    蒙古 乌兰巴托地区汉语教学的现状与思考

  • The present article introduces the basic situation of Chinese Education in the area of Ulan Bator of Mongolia analyses the major problems in Chinese Education in the and postulates some suggestions for the further development .

    本文介绍了 蒙古 乌兰巴托地区汉语教学的基本情况,分析了当前该地区汉语教学中存在的主要问题,并据此提出了一些意见。

  • He said the offering was expected to take place next March or April in Ulan Bator London and Hong Kong .

    他表示,该煤田预计将在明年3、4月在 乌兰巴托、伦敦和香港三地上市。

  • A main street in the capital of Ulan Bator has been named after him and his image is on a banknote .

    首都 乌兰巴托有一条主要街道是以 成吉思汗命名的,钞票上也印有他的肖像。

  • Many people stay in a hotel in Ulan Bator to do some sightseeing .

    许多人呆在 乌兰巴托的旅馆里欣赏风景。