ultimate demand

[ˈʌltəmɪt dɪˈmænd][ˈʌltimit diˈmɑ:nd]


  • The new mode of management takes man as the center and absorbs the advantages of American and Japanese-pattern management and its ultimate demand is to respect and care for people .

    以人为中心的企业管理模式是揉和美式和日式企业管理模式的长处而确立的新的管理模式,它的 根本 要求就是尊重人,关心人。

  • With the same ultimate goal the fiscal policy and the monetary policy both function to regulate demand and supply .

    财政政策与货币政策由于在 终极目标上具有一致性,同属国家的需求管理政策,因此可以根据宏观经济调控的 要求,进行合宜的搭配组合。

  • Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds - determination of biochemical oxygen demand in a two-phase closed bottle test

    水介质中有机化合物的 基本好氧生物降解能力的评价-在两段封闭瓶试验中生化 需氧 的测定

  • The inspiration and cultivation of national spirit is the ultimate demand to the buildup of the national strength is the requirement to deal with the economic globalization and is the need to the construction of a relatively well-off society .

    弘扬和培育民族精神是不断增强综合国力的 根本 要求,是应对经济全球化的需要,是全面建设小康社会的需要。

  • It is the ultimate power of economic growth to enhance the domestic demand and it is lasting and long-time to drive and lead the positive consumption of residents .

    增加国内有效 需求是经济增长的 根本动力,启动和引导居民的积极消费才是持久的、长期的。

  • The peasants hope to change the low social status of their children by education and this is their ultimate education demand .

    农民希望子女能够通过教育来改变自身的 处境获得一种高于 自身的社会地位。

  • On balance the world still looks to the US as its ultimate source of demand rather than as a source of supply .

    总而言之,世界仍把美国看作 最终 需求来源,而非供应来源。

  • Ultimate bearing capacity and seismic ductility demand are two important indices representing strength and ductility performance of engineering structures which are also key parameters for safety and applicability evaluation as well as structural seismic design .

    结构的 极限承载能力和地震延性 需求是反映工程结构强度和延性的两个重要指标,也是结构安全性和适用性评估以及结构抗震设计的重要参数。

  • However sometimes it is difficult to know what consumers themselves what their ultimate needs the potential of information about consumer demand more difficult .

    但是,有时消费者自己也很难知道自己 最终需要什么,所以弄清楚消费者的潜在信息 需求比较困难。

  • SCIM is focused on the ultimate customer demand and aims at improving customer service increasing product variety and lowering costs .

    SCIM聚焦于 最终客户 需求,着眼于提高客户服务水平以及提高产品多样性和降低产品价格。

  • The ultimate shareholder uses the function of internal capital market to allocation of resources to meet the demand of its own interests .

    终极控制股东为了满足自身的利益 需求,通过内部资本市场进行资源的配置。

  • The ultimate aim of this thesis is to make coordinated development of higher vocational education and labor market demand become reality .

    本论文研究的 归是实现高职教育与劳动力市场 需求的协调发展。

  • The ultimate price of the world 's goods is the ratio of supply to demand .

    世界上所有商品的 最终价格是指 供需的比例。

  • The ultimate consumption rate is low in recent years which extremely not only restricts the residents ' consumption demand and the upgrading of consumption structure but also hampers the economic growth .

    多年来我国 最终消费率持续走低,已经严重制约了居民消费 需求的扩大和消费结构的升级,也严重阻碍了中国经济的持续快速增长。

  • By means of RAS approach by estimating ultimate demand predicted model of 2010 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Input-Output .

    应用RAS方法调整直接消耗系数矩阵,通过预测 最终 需求,编制出2010年京津冀产业发展投入产出预测模型。

  • Analysis on concerted relationship between ultimate agricultural product demand and agricultural structure

    农产品 最终 需求与农业结构协调关系分析

  • The ultimate cause to the contradiction of demand and supply is the confusion of government 's public management function and the faultiness of social management .

    政府公共管理职能的不清晰与社会管理的不完善是社区公共 服务 供需矛盾的 根本原因。

  • Ultimate realization of common prosperity a fundamental moral principle of the socialist market economy is an inherent demand out of the essence of the socialist market economy .

    最终达到共同富裕作为社会主义市场经济的一条基本伦理原则,是社会主义市场经济本质的内在 要求

  • The power system designed in this ultimate solution can fulfil the design demand . Construction and Classification of Intelligent Power Supply for Railway Signal

    在此方案基础上设计的电源系统符合设计 要求,现已在现场运行,该电源具有很好的 市场 前景。铁路信号智能电源系统的技术和结构分类