turbulent separation

[ˈtɚbjələnt ˌsɛpəˈreʃən][ˈtə:bjulənt ˌsepəˈreɪʃən]


  • Design and Adjustment of a Hydrodynamic Model of Turbulent Flow Separation Area for In Vitro Experiment on the Downstream of Tubal Stenosis

    圆管狭窄下游 流场流动 分离区流体力学实验模型的设计和调试

  • Step induced hypersonic turbulent boundary - layer separation

    表面台阶引起的高超声速 湍流边界层 分离

  • It provides qualitative information mainly concerning the overall flow structure such as the turbulent boundary layer separation reattachment locations and the dimensionalities of the flow .

    它主要提供关于整个流动的定性信息,诸如 湍流边界层 分离、再附着位置以及流动的维数等。

  • The Effect of Modelling the Turbulent Stresses on Prediction of the Behavior of 3-D Boundary Layer with separation

    湍流应力模式对计算有 分离三维边界层的效果研究

  • The characteristics of an axisymmetric turbulent boundary layer near separation

    轴对称 湍流边界层接近 分离时的特性

  • Experimental study of turbulent boundary-layer separation in a 2-D channel flow

    二维通道内 湍流边界层 分离的实验研究

  • A predicting method of wing turbulent separation area and the influence of different turbulent models on the results of prediction are introduced .

    介绍了机翼 气流 分离区的预测方法和不同湍流模型对其预测结果的影响。

  • Turbulent boundary layer separation reattachment and redevelopment over a back ward-facing step

    湍流,激流,射流后向台阶 湍流边界层 分离、再附及发展

  • Experimental studies and numerical simulations are used to analyze the strongly turbulent flow field and the gas-solid separation characteristic in this thesis .

    本文利用试验和数值模拟两种途径分析了不同结构及操作条件 旋风分离器内强 流场以及气固两相 分离特性。

  • Experimental investigation on the turbulent coherent structures of laminar separation flow over a backward-facing step

    后向台阶层流 分离 湍流结构的实验研究

  • Numerical simulation of liquid-liquid turbulent separation flows in a double-cone hydrocyclone

    双锥型 旋流器内液&液 分离过程的流动数值模拟

  • Measurement and prediction of internal 2-D turbulent boundary layer separation

    测量与预测二维不可 湍流附面层 分离

  • A three-dimensional oil-water 2-phase turbulent flow and separation process in a single-cone hydrocyclone is numerically simulated using FLUENT software .

    使用FLUENT软件中的多 流欧拉分析方法,结合雷诺应力 湍流模型,实现单锥型旋流器内油水 分离过程的三维数值模拟并预测其 分离 效率

  • By using the Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model the formation of the leading edge separation bubble as well as the convection of vortex along the airfoil surface and unsteady phenomena of vortex are simulated at high angle of attack .

    应用BaldwinLomax 湍流代数模型模拟了大攻角时前缘 分离涡的形成,旋涡对流及其非定常现象。

  • Numerical and Experimental Study on Turbulent Boundary-Layer Separation in a 2-D Internal Channel

    二元内流通道 湍流附面层 分离的数值与实验研究

  • LDV measurement of a turbulent separation - reattachment flow

    激光测速测量 湍流 分离-再附流动

  • A new quasi-simultaneous viscous / inviscid interaction model was used to predict two-dimensional incompressible turbulent boundary-layer separation flows in internal chan-nels .

    本文采用适合于内流的准同时粘性/无粘性流匹配模型,快速求解二维通道内的不可压 湍流附面层 分离流动。

  • Calculation of compressible turbulent boundary layers with separation

    可压缩 紊流 分离边界层的计算

  • Turbulent separation occurs on pressure surface at small attack angles for the airfoils which relative thickness more than 40 % making airfoil stall at small attack angles and the lift coefficient decrease .

    通过 CFD模拟发现,具有后加载造型、相对厚度大于40%的翼型压力面出现明显 分离,造成翼型小攻角失速、升力系数下降。

  • A second filtering was applied to the convective and turbulent stress terms and a new separation of the turbulent stresses was proposed .

    对对流项和 湍流应力项进行二次显式滤波,并对湍流应力的 分解形式作了相应改进。

  • The incipient separation induced by shock wave / turbulent boundary layer interactions at sharp fin was studied and a method for predicting the incipient separation was developed based on the compressible boundary layer theory .

    本文对由平板上直立尖劈产生的激波/ 湍流边界层干扰引起的起始分离进行了研究,提出了一种预测起始 分离条件的方法。

  • Turbulent separation features induced by blunt fins in hypersonic flow

    钝缘舵高超音速 湍流 分离特性

  • Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Statistical and Transport Properties in Stably Stratified Flows LARGE-EDDY SIMULATION OF LAMINAR SEPARATION BUBBLE TRANSITION UNDER ADVERSE PRESSURE GRADIENT

    稳定分层流动中 湍流统计特性和输运特性的数值研究逆压梯度下层流 分离泡转捩的大涡模拟

  • Finally recent studies of turbulent boundary layer separation are also briefly reviewed .

    最后简单介绍了目前在研究 湍流边界层 分离方面的进展。