


  • The organic content is the main factor of the physical and mechanical properties of turfy soil .


  • Commonly used matrix has turfy earth coconut tree branny pearlite vermiculite mix commonly use .

    常用的基质有 泥炭土。椰糠。珍珠岩。蛭石,一般混合使用。

  • Study on Limit Height of Turfy Soil Roadbed to Heda Highway Test Section

    鹤大公路试验段 草炭土路基极限填高研究

  • The mixture of sand and soil ( 2:1 ) is the best cutting substrate with a survival rate of 81.3 % while as to height growth of cutting wood the mixture of turfy and soil ( 1:1 ) is the best .

    最佳扦插基质为沙土与土比例为2:1的基质, 扦插成活率81.3%, 草炭与土比例为1:1的基质对扦插 高生长效果最好;

  • In order to enhance the establishment and maintenance level of greensward on highway the paper specially introduced the establishment and maintenance of greensward on Quanzhou-Xiamen highway . Turfy selection establishment mode quality controls and water facilities were discussed and pointed out some suggestions .

    介绍泉厦高速公路草皮的建植与养护工作,对 草皮选择、建植方式、质量控制、排灌设施等进行了讨论并提出建议,旨在提高我国高速公路草皮的建植与养护水平。

  • Research on the Project Characteristics of Turfy Soil in Highway Construction


  • It indicates that it is the best for the growth of seedlings to use three kinds of nutrient media : turfy soil + humus soil humus soil + horse muck turfy soil + horse muck .

    结果表明:用 草炭土+腐殖土、腐殖土+马粪、草炭土+马粪配制的三种营养基质,最有利于 红松幼苗的生长;