



  • Feeling loneliness and harding to do by themselves in livings ( cause their parents indulges and coddles them too much ) they often miss homes and turndown in emotion .

    感到孤独和在生活上不能自理(于他们的家长对他们过于溺爱和娇惯)们会经常想家和情绪 低落

  • Turndown calculations for different scenarios should be included in supplied documents .

    不同情况的 衰减计算宜包括在提供的文件中。

  • We will provide further training to our Housekeeping associates regarding turndown service training as well as prioritizing guest 's needs .

    我们将会对客房部员工进行 服务以及辨别客人需求的培训。

  • Accuracy and turndown ratio of the transmitters

    变送器的 量程比与精确度

  • This time they say police will enforce traffic laws turndown bribeoffersand in general support public safety .

    他们说,这一次,警方将强制执行交通法律,消除 受贿现象,并从整体上维护公共安全。

  • As a big consumer and importer the eurozone will benefit from the turndown in commodity prices but economists warn Europe must avoid getting too much of this good thing .

    作为一个消费和进口大户,欧元区将受益于 大宗商品价格下跌,但经济学家警告称,欧洲不能高兴过了头。

  • The turndown was polite but very firm .


  • If there is any doubt regarding the turndown capability of the furnace to achieve this heat up rate the furnace should be started after the addition of gasoil .

    如果对加热炉 负荷大小是否能达到这样的加热速度有任何怀疑,应在加入柴油后开加热炉。

  • Wall Street reports a turndown / downture in the economy / industrial production .

    《华尔街 日报》报道了经济/工业生产上的萧条。

  • Surrounding tissues defects repaired and nasal lining formed by the local turndown flap simultaneous .

    目的评价局部 转移皮瓣修复小腿 骨折后软组织缺损的临床 疗效

  • The Study on the Relationship Between Flow Coefficient and the Turndown Ratio of the Control Valves

    调节阀流量系数与 比关系的研究

  • Research and improvement of structure design methods of turndown collars


  • If this is not possible due to furnace turndown limitations wait until gasoil has been introduced before starting the furnace .

    如果由于加热炉 负荷限制不能这样做,等到柴油已引进后再开加热炉。

  • This is the starting part of the whole thesis and makes a classification of the phases of the editing and publishing higher education of China : starting phase turndown phase redeveloping phase and climax phase .

    这是全文的总起部分,将我国编辑出版学高等教育的发展历程分为起步发展、 低谷、再发展与高潮四个阶段进行纵向介绍。

  • CFB boiler has such features as fuel flexibility high combustion efficiency low emissions rapid load change ability and broad turndown ratio etc.

    它具有燃料适应性广、燃烧效率高、 氧化物排放低、 负荷 调节比大和负荷调节快等 突出优点。

  • Two kinds of liquid distributors with high turndown ratio for batch distillation and multi-purpose packed columns are described in this paper .

    介绍两种适用于分批精馏及多用途填料塔的液体分布器& 双排 弹性液体 分布器

  • Packed column have been broadly applied in industrial production because of high capacity low pressure drop small liquid holdup great turndown ratio excellent separation efficiency is .

    填料塔因为通量大、压降小、持液量小、 操作 弹性大、分离效率 高等优点广泛应用于工业生产中。

  • I 'm pretty sure it 's called turndown service .

    我敢肯定是叫“ 拒绝服务”?

  • The minimum flow rate through a tray ( turndown ) is higher than most trays before the tray experiences weeping .

    的是筛板塔的 缺点意思是为防止漏液,筛板塔所需要的最小流量比其他 类型 板要高。

  • Study on Improving Turndown Ratio and Capacity of Compound Tray

    提高复合塔板 操作 弹性和通量研究

  • It may be possible to condense sulfur at turndown conditions .


  • A turndown of10:1 is achievable in a good installation with the turbine bearings in good condition .

    甲床的 10:1是可以实现的一个很好的安装涡轮轴承处于良好状态。

  • The results show that valve-sieve compound trays have smaller turndown ratio and smaller capacity .

    试验结果表明:浮阀筛孔复合塔板 操作 弹性小、气液处理量小;

  • Taking advantage of technology with low-carbon turndown and oil coke recarburization in tapping in production of middle-carbon steel .

    中碳钢生产采用终点拉低碳在出钢时用石油 焦增碳的工艺等。

  • Considerations on degree of desulphurization and turndown desulphurizing capacity of top blown oxygen converter

    顶吹氧气转炉气化脱硫率和 终点脱硫能力的研究探讨

  • Flue gas temperature fuzzy control dimly deduces turndown ratio of mixer valve according to temperature values of multipoints and their variations .

    烟气温度模糊控制根据系统多点温度值及其变化模糊 推断混风阀的 度。

  • Turndown Ratio and Loading Chart of Structured Packing

    规整填料的 操作 弹性和负荷性能图

  • The NOZZLE MIX burners feature short flames wide turndown ranges and very stable combustion .

    烧嘴混合炉头具有短 ,宽范围,非常稳定燃烧的特点。

  • For headache wakefulness emotional turndown thinking torpor fatigable feeling caused by irregularity of central nervous systems because of chronically working on computers .

    适用于因长期从事电脑操作中枢神经失调引起的情绪 低落、思绪迟钝、常感疲乏等症。

  • Housekeeping will be responsible for preparing the room with flowers greenery lighting and turndown if required .

    客房部将负责房间内鲜花、 欢迎 和照明。