turn of the market

[tɚn ʌv ði ˈmɑrkɪt][tə:n ɔv ðə ˈmɑ:kit]


  • The attention of enterprise began to turn outwardly to market because of the more vigorous market competitions .

    市场竞争的日益激烈,促使企业的管理重心向 外部&市场 转移

  • It is a need of the business self-perfection to improve the logistics system of the business and meet the needs of turn of the market too .

    改善企业物流系统,既是企业自我完善的需要,也是适应 市场 变化的需要。

  • There has been deep reluctance among such countries especially in Asia and Latin America to turn to the IMF for help because of fears the news would spark market panic .

    这些国家,特别是亚洲和拉美国家,一直非常不愿 求助于imf,因为它们担心 这种消息将引发 市场恐慌。

  • Investors have shown an increasing inclination to turn to charts in search of clues about the market 's direction especially as stocks continue to lack direction .

    投资者 利用技术图表把握 市场方向的倾向已经越来越强烈,特别是在股市一直看不出趋势的时候。

  • Enter 21 centuries world agricultural product trade liberalism step at quickly the competition of the international agricultural product market will further turn worse but the competition order of the international agricultural product market will suffer the more rigorous test .

    进入21世纪,世界农产品贸易自由化步伐正在加快,国际农产品市场的竞争将进一步 加剧,而国际农产品 市场的竞争秩序将受到更为严峻的考验。

  • Turn out more well-trained graduates to meet the ever-increasing demand of the market economy

    培养更多具有真才实学的毕业生以满足 市场经济日益增长 需求

  • On the other hand with the temporary stop of the fixed assets investment in the metallurgical industry the existing metallurgical machinery manufacturers will surely turn back to the market of metallurgical spare parts and tools participating in and intensifying the market competition .

    另一方面,随着冶金行业固定资产投入暂时告一段落,现有各冶金机械制造厂家势必 杀回冶金备件和工具市场,参与并加剧 市场竞争。

  • Studies have shown that for heavy polluting enterprises social market and government drivers in turn enhance the environmental performance of the enterprises most significantly . Enterprise and market drivers can give a positive effect on the economic performance while social performance makes a negative effect .

    研究表明,对于重污染型企业,社会、市场以及政府的激励作用 依次 企业环境绩效的提升最为显著,企业和 市场驱动力对经济绩效存在正效应,而社会存在负效应。

  • The property market also took a sharp turn in the fourth quarter of the year as market sentiment turned negative .

    由于 市场气氛不利,物业市场在第四季也出现 逆转

  • The study concluded that most driver-partners do not turn to Uber out of desperation or because they face an absence of other opportunities in the job market

    研究总结:大部分司机选择优步的原因不是因为 绝望,或无法在招聘 市场上找到其他工作机会

  • The periodical editor under the new situation must strengthen market awareness - have management theory taking market as direction - turn periodical into the high-quality goods - accept the test of the market and seize the opportunity ;

    新形势下的期刊编辑必须增强市场意识,具有以市场为导向的经营理念, 期刊办成高品质的商品,接受 市场的考验,抓住机遇;

  • After joining WTO agriculture faces double challenge of turn of the domestic market and international market competition urgently requires strategic adjustment of the agricultural structure to accelerate western agricultural development and sustained development .

    加入WTO后,农业发展面临国内 市场 变化和国际市场竞争 双重挑战,迫切要求对农业结构进行战略性调整,加快西部地区的农业开发与可持续发展刻不容缓。

  • Real estate investment is a risky investment an investor need usually a feasibility analysis in addition investor need also to decide the further investment program according to the turn of the market .

    房地产开发项目投资是一项风险投资,项目投资者常常要对开发项目做可行性分析,同时,投资者也要根据 市场 变化确定下一步的投资方案。

  • As the renminbi gains status as an international currency and state regulations on investment turn more liberal the prices of the A and H share market will converge he predicts .

    他预测,随着人民币获得国际货币的地位,以及政府对投资的监管 变得更加宽松,A股与H股 市场 价格将会趋同。

  • The economic globalization rising at the turn of the century was promoted by sci-tech revolution market economy and peaceful environment . With rapid development of production it has provided all countries with opportunity for development .

    世纪之 兴起的经济全球化,是由科技革命、 市场经济、和平环境推动的,生产力得以加快发展,为各国提供了发展机遇。

  • Searching for default router passwords will turn up a number of sites that list the default usernames and passwords for most routers on the market .

    搜索“默认的路由器密码” 得到许多列出 市场上大部分路由器 默认用户名和密码 站点。

  • At the turn of the 20th century stock market speculation was restricted to professionals but the 1920s saw millions of ordinary Americans investing in the New York Stock Exchange .

    20世纪 ,股票 市场投机还被限于专业人士,到了20世纪20年代,就有数以百万计的“普通美国人”在纽约股票交易所进行投资。

  • These are obviously in turn affected by activities of the institutional investors in the market .

    很明显的,这些指标本身其实 同时受到投资机构在 市场 活动所影响。

  • We must not turn our country into a kind of hyper-rigid enclave disconnected from the functioning of the economy and market which you find everywhere else .

    我们不能 我们的国家变成某种高度僵化的飞地,与你在其它地方都能找到的经济和 市场 正常运转脱节。

  • New stage and new environment require the agricultural structure to adjust in a strategic way in order to meet the double challenge that the domestic turn of the market competes with international market .

    新阶段、新环境迫切要求对农业结构进行战略性的调整,以迎接国内 市场 变化与国际市场竞争的双重挑战。

  • Administrative licensing is the vehicle for market access system which in turn is the purpose of the former . Both serve to achieve free competition and market order from different angles of discipline .

    行政许可是市场 准入制度的载体,市场准入制度是行政许可的目的,两者从不同的学科角度来共同实现自由竞争与有序 市场

  • However the problems of unreasonable inventory control strategy and serious overstock are ubiquitous in many production enterprises of our country which make them remain high inventory cost and lack capability to deal with the turn of the market .

    然而,在我国很多生产企业中,普遍存在着库存控制方法不合理,库存积压严重等问题,从而造成企业库存成本居高不下,缺乏应对 市场 变化的能力。

  • And that in turn should put you in better position to take advantage of the growing local search market .

    同时这 能使你在增长的本地搜索 市场中占据一个很好的位置。

  • With the intense globalization of enterprises enterprises should strengthen inner management and utilize statistics and analysis of data to response to turn of the market on order to survive in the fierce market competition .

    随着企业的全球化势头愈演愈烈,要在这种激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,企业必须加强内部管理,利用数据资料的统计及分析 响应 市场 变化

  • This is a far cry from the aftermath of the financial crises that erupted around the turn of the century which badly damaged the emerging market private equity industry .

    这与世纪之 爆发一系列金融危机后 情形大为不同,当时那些危机让新兴 市场的私募股权行业受到了重创。

  • General Operational CRM only pays attention to combining resources inside enterprises and can 't catch the turn of the market outside fast .

    一般操作型CRM只重视整合企业内部资源,不能快速捕捉外部 市场 变化