turn a deaf ear to

[tɚn e dɛf ɪr tu][tə:n ə def iə tu:]


  • For such a regime it is obviously improper to Seal it into history so hurriedly and turn a deaf ear to it before we have not made clear a lot of questions .

    对于这样一个政权,在还有许多问题我们并没有搞清楚的情况下,就匆匆地将塔利班封存入历史,再也 不闻不问,显然是不合适的。

  • Don 't turn a deaf ear to her cries for help .

    她的求救之声 置之不理

  • If one continues to cast an indifferent eye on / to turn a deaf ear to / to be blind to / to overlook the problem things are sure to go from bad to worse .

    如果某人继续对这一问题漠然置之/ 置之不理/视而不见/忽视这一问题,情况/形势将肯定与日俱下。

  • I didn 't expect him to turn a deaf ear to his comrades ' criticism .

    我没料想到他 同志们的批评 充耳不闻

  • Why do some people turn a deaf ear and good to see it ?

    为什么有的人 充耳不闻而擅长看呢?

  • The scoundrelly person has lied so much that people turn a deaf ear to whatever he says .

    那个坏透了的人已经撒了那麽过份的谎,因而人们不管他说什麽都 充耳不闻

  • Young people sometimes seem to turn a deaf ear to the words of their anxious parents .

    年轻人有时 父母的 苦口婆心之言 当作 耳边

  • How could you turn a deaf ear to his requests ?

    你怎能 他的请求 充耳不闻呢?

  • To you I call O Lord my Rock ; do not turn a deaf ear to me .

    耶和华阿,我要 求告你。我的磐石阿,不要 缄默

  • I shall turn a deaf ear in the future to all your promises ; you never mean what you say .

    今后我 你的诺言将 充耳不闻,因为你说话不算话。

  • Don 't turn a deaf ear to me .

    不要 我的 充耳不闻

  • If you turn a deaf ear to the masses ' criticism sooner or later you will have to pay for it .

    群众意见,早晚要吃 苦头的。