turn upside down

[tɚn ˈʌpˌsaɪd daʊn][tə:n ˈʌpˌsaɪd daun]


  • Will all this be enough to turn the race upside down ?

    所有这些是否足够 使这场竞争 彻底 逆转呢?

  • First take the plastic bag and turn it upside down .

    首先, 塑胶袋的 开口

  • He set out to turn upside down the conventional economic wisdom that nothing could be done about poor countries sinking under the burden of old debts .

    他开始 完全 颠覆 传统的经济政策,即面对这些国家积压的债务时,就变得完全地无所作为。

  • Close your eyes hold your ears then turn upside down and drink !

    闭上眼睛, 住耳朵, 上, 水喝掉!

  • In the face of a retired actress his world has changed turn the world upside down .

    在遇到一个退休的女演员后,他的世界发生了 翻天覆地 变化

  • Turn the balloon upside down and twirl the balloon to set the coin in motion .

    气球 颠倒 过来,旋转气球使硬币在气球内部运动。

  • Wouldn 't that turn society upside down ?

    合法那社会不 乱套 吗?

  • If you turn the envelope upside down the key will fall out .

    你如果 信封 过来,钥匙就会掉出。

  • Carefully turn the puddings upside down and remove them from the moulds .

    小心地 蛋糕 过来,脱模。下图。

  • And again you have managed to turn my worid upside down .

    却有本事 我的店 乱七八糟

  • What we could tell they 'll turn Poland upside down .

    我们要说的是,就是他们 波兰 完了

  • The kids always turn it upside down .

    孩子们通常 这里 朝天

  • Why does a particular maiden turn our wits upside down ?

    为什么一个特别的少女 我们 神魂颠倒

  • Don 't turn our arrangements upside down .

    我们的安排 搞乱

  • Turn your book upside down and be in the infinite .

    翻转你的书本, 无极里

  • Turn the jar upside down and shake it .

    这个缸 颠倒 过来,晃一晃。

  • At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong and turn things upside down .

    他们有时简直要闹到颠倒是非、 混淆黑白的程度。

  • At least they don 't go inside your house and turn your life upside down .

    至少他们不会去你家 你的个人生活都 翻开

  • It was stupid of you to turn it upside down without closing the lid .

    你没有盖上盖子就 过来,真是糊胡涂。

  • Be careful not to turn the table upside down .

    当心别 桌子

  • But his class instinct led him to turn history upside down .

    但是他的阶级本能使他 历史 颠倒

  • You gotta turn him upside down first .

    你可能必须先 过来

  • The radicals wanted to turn the society upside down .

    这些 激进分子想要 彻底 改变社会。

  • He had offered to turn her life upside down .

    他曾提出 彻底 改变她的生活。

  • Turn the bottle upside down to empty it before you fill it with oil .


  • What will get smaller if you turn it upside down ?

    什么东西 过来小?

  • I go to mariano 's condo and I turn it upside down .

    我去马里亚诺的公寓 了个 朝天

  • Then I turn the jar upside down .

    然后,我 广口瓶 过来

  • Turn the vat upside down .
