


  • Now listen to me you little Harvard turd .

    老实听着,哈佛的 蠢货

  • She dropped me like a turd !

    她像一 那样 我扔了!

  • What 'd happen if he cooked my turd ?

    如果 了有什么后果?

  • Everybody let 's get aboard the big rolling turd .

    各位,登上这 大粪 吧。

  • This jumped-up little turd 's gonna bankrupt us .

    这个 跳梁小丑会让我们破产的。

  • And their combined reward will be no greater and no lesser than what will be won by a piece of dried turd .

    而他们总共的回报比一块烘干的 赢来的不多 不少

  • We could all live in the big rolling turd .

    我们可以住在“滚动 大粪 里面

  • The organic fertilizer was high quality pig turd .

    肥料为优质 猪圈肥。

  • When are you going to pay me the money you owe me you little turd ?

    你这个 混帐东西打算什么时候还我的钱。

  • That pigeon was just as dead as a turd .

    没错,是 杰克,那只鸽子像 粪土 一样 那儿

  • But the president chose to ignore Baker-Hamilton reportedly dismissing the document as a flaming turd .

    然而,布什总统却选择忽视这份报告,有报道称,他把这份文件视同 大粪”。

  • I don 't know how you can do business with a turd like him .

    我不知道你怎么能同你这样 卑鄙的人做生意。

  • Dude she called me a gift-wrapped turd .

    老兄,她把我叫做包装过的 垃圾

  • He was covered in turd .

    他被 的满身是

  • I have chosen the former as to write f or s feels like draping a doily over a dog turd .

    我选择了前者,因为写f或s就像在 狗屎周围加装饰花边。