turning moment


  • For reconstructing the vehicle movement process after collision the paper considers the factors of accessional brake moment and accessional turning moment and applies kinetics theories to set up two-wheel movement simulation models respectively for braking vehicle and non-braking vehicle .

    为了再现汽车碰撞后的运动过程,本文运用运动学理论,在考虑附加 惯性 等因素的作用下,建立了车辆在制动和未制动两种状态下的两车轮运动仿真模型。

  • 1998 will be an important turning moment for the world to stride into the new century .

    1998年国际形势展望邴金 伏方华1998年将是世界跨入新世纪的重要 转折 时期

  • The progress of it has an important meaning of compelling the cause of the party especially during the significant turning point of the growth of the cause of the party and the crucial moment when the party faces with new situation and tasks .

    特别是在党的事业发展的重大 转折时期、全党面临新的形势和任务的重大 关头,党的建设的进步对推动党的事业的发展尤其具有关键性的意义。

  • This period is not only a turning point towards the Socialist Modernization but also the critical moment of finishing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and completing reunification of The Motherland .

    这一时期不仅是向社会主义现代化迈进的 转折时期,也是实现中华民族伟大复兴、完成祖国统一大业的关键 时刻

  • The author of this paper holds that the conflict between law and morality at the turning moment of the present society will bring serious social problems .

    本文认为,在当今的社会 转型 法律与道德的冲突会产生严重的社会问题:一方面,使道德未能“ 合法化”而陷入危机;

  • The Test Installment of Vulve Open and Close Dynamic Turning Moment of Force and the Intellectual Serial Communication of PC

    阀门启闭动态 转矩检测装置与PC机的智能串行通信

  • The mathematical models on turning resistance moment of the wheels and apron against ground are put forward .

    提出了车辆转向时,车轮转向阻力 及围裙 转向阻力 的数学模型。

  • Sentiment is turning sour at the very moment when foreign companies could be standing beside China in the fight against protectionism .

    正当外国企业可能与中国并肩反对保护主义的 时候,它们的感受却 日渐恶化。

  • The anti-overturning moment which is formed of the resistance of the earth in front of the cylinder and above the turning point and that behind the cylinder and under the turning point takes a great proportion of the overall anti-overturning moment ;

    转动点以上筒前土体和 转动点以下筒后土体的抗力形成的抗倾力矩是总抗倾 力矩的主要部分;

  • Performance of the coated tool and non-coated tool in cutting process is analyzed through measuring durability of the indexable insert turning tool and cutting force ( torsional moment ) of tap .

    介绍了涂层刀具与未涂层刀具在切削加工中的性能比较及试验研究。主要通过不重磨 车刀的耐用度及丝锥的切削力( 扭矩)等因素来展开试验分析。

  • Turner bar ( Turning ba ): Metal bar on a web offset press which redirects the web through a right-angle . Analysis of the Compensation for Rewinder 's Moment of Inertia

    转向棍:卷筒纸印刷机上的金属棍,它把纸郑的方向作一个直角的改变,复卷机退纸 转动 惯量补偿问题的分析

  • To enlarge the scope of working pressure for the complete fluidic sprinkler the turning angle was added in the effuser . It can increase the intrinsic driving moment for the sprinkler .

    为了扩大全射流喷头压力适用范围,提出在喷管处加 转折角以增加喷头固有驱动 力矩

  • Afterward we can delve into the mechanism and complicated modes of the given culture in all kinds of the cultural area and we can take it as the turning point to solve the aesthetic sense study of the moment .

    进而挖掘各种文化区域中的生成机制、复杂的表现方式等,并以之作为解决 当下美学研究困惑的 契机

  • However just once you inadvertently let go or a turning moment some things completely changed .

    然而,就是那么一次,在你不经意的一放手或一 转身 瞬间,有些事情就完完全全的改变了。

  • Analysing the accurate solution of the common stud bolt connection acted by the turning moment

    旋转 力矩下普通螺栓联接的精确解分析

  • Turning off any screens an hour or two before bedtime ( instead of working up until the last possible moment ) and starting a simple bedtime routine .

    睡觉前一两个小时最好 关掉所有显示器(不要工作到临睡前最后一 ),从现在起养成固定的就寝作息。

  • The turning point : We 've looked at the start and the finale-now define the climactic point in the narrative and demonstrate how that moment brings fundamental issues to the surface .

    转折点:我们已经看了开头和结尾――现在要找出叙述的高潮点,并说明如何在那个 时间 上让最重要的问题浮现出来。

  • In hydraulic transmission system turning moment and rotational speeds of pump impellers and turbines have to be kept steady in order for the normal operation of the system .

    在液力传动系统中,泵轮和涡轮的 转矩及转速应保持稳定才能使系统正常运行。