


  • Turk Malloy : Are you in yet ? Application of Mobile-agent Based Distributed Intrusion Detection System in E-Government Affairs


  • I 'll watch out for your interest turk .

    我看好你, 特克

  • Student : Do you know anything that can combine Mechanical Turk Mechanical Turk and a game environment ?

    学生:你知道可以将,来自亚马逊系统的 土耳其机器人,与游戏环境,from,the,Amazon,system,结合起来的任何事物吗?

  • The nod of the Turk 's head will certainly prove @ misleading @ .


  • But not St George : he was a Turk living in Palestine .

    不过这 里面没有圣?乔治,他是一个住在巴勒斯坦的 土耳其人

  • In1857 the son of the Turk 's final owner decided that since the Turk was deceased it was time for his secrets to be revealed .

    既然机器土耳其人已经“葬身火海”, 机器人的最后拥有者的儿子1857年决定是揭秘的时候了。

  • For Amazon 's Mechanical Turk to pay 25 cents for 350 words is less than handsome .

    亚马逊的 土耳其 机器人为350字支付25美分的 做法,绝对不算慷慨。

  • The site in question ( which is run by Amazon ) is called Mechanical Turk .

    的这个网站(由亚马孙公司运作)叫“机械的 土耳其人

  • One day it will be you sitting here telling some young Turk the facts of life .

    有一天,你会坐在这里教训年轻人生活的 道理

  • Mike : Grand Turk Island may be too quiet for you Rita .

    迈克: 格兰特岛对你来说可能太静了,丽塔。如果你 想要 更多 刺激就来 看看 新加坡

  • The turk 's face was as battered as this one .

    那个 土耳其人的脸和现在这个一样惨。

  • Significance of Central Asia and Turk Ethnic Groups to Anthropology suburbanites considered as a cultural class or subculture .

    中亚、 突厥族群对文化学研究的意义作为一个文化类型或亚文化群的郊区居民。

  • That we 'll have to give the Turk his deal .

    这样看来,我们不得不同意 土耳其人 提出的交易。

  • This tape is about Grand Turk Island .

    这盘是 格兰特岛的。

  • Cookie see what you can do with turk .

    库基,想想你怎么对付 特克

  • I ` ve been to Grand Turk Rita .

    我去过 格兰特,丽塔。

  • We kind of distracted Timmy Duncan on that play and Turk put the ball right on the money for the dunk .

    我们成功分散了邓肯在场上的注意力,而 我们 土耳其人把球恰好传到了我能完成扣篮的位置。

  • Fashion designer Trina Turk held her first show at New York Fashion Week on February 10 .

    2月10日,时装设计师特里娜• 特克在纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)举办了首场发布秀。

  • He was a Turk living in Palestine .

    他是一个住在巴勒斯坦的 土耳其人

  • Now there is an easier way : Amazon Mechanical Turk .

    如今有了更简单的方式:亚马逊(Amazon)的 土耳其 机器人MTurk)。

  • The Turk was smiling .

    这个 土耳其人满面微笑。

  • Turk brings a california-cool attitude to fashion .


  • Amazon 's Mechanical Turk facilitates payments for specific pieces of work .

    亚马逊的 土耳其 机器人则为特定工作支付费用。

  • Which It is expected to pass over or near the Turk 's coast Islands and Caicos Island and the southern Bahamas later today or tomorrow and it 's also expected to hit Cuba .

    预计它会通过或靠近 土耳其的岛屿海岸,在今天晚些时候或明天到达凯科斯群岛和马哈马群岛的南部,也会袭击古巴。

  • Whether spam comes from robots or mechanical turk attacks it has one ultimate weakness .

    不管垃圾信息是来自机器人程序还是机械式的 土耳其攻击,它均具有一个根本的弱点。

  • Turk is also expanding her brand to encompass everything from bedding to iPhone cases .

    特克还在扩张自己的品牌,使 公司 经营范围 横跨从寝具到iPhone 保护套的多个 品类

  • You make your brother out a regular Turk .

    终究认清了你的兄弟是个十足的 暴君

  • The original Mechanical Turk was an 18th-century chess-playing robot which in reality concealed a human chess player .

    原始的 土耳其 机器人是18世纪发明的一台下象棋的机器人,事实上,这台所谓的机器人的背后藏着一个人类棋手。