Would you like to treat your body to this magical erotic device that will always be ready to provide you an unearthly pleasure ?
你想你的身体对待这个神奇的性爱装置,将随时准备提供你一个 梦幻的乐趣吗?
In the unearthly silence my colleagues must have wondered what I had done .
在那 一阵子 奇怪的沉默 当中,我的同事必定感到纳闷,想知道我做了什么。
She woke us up at some unearthly hour of the morning .
在早晨某个 神秘的时刻她把我们叫醒。
The unearthly silence was broken by a shrill screaming .
一声尖叫打破了这 可怕的沉寂。
Why are they playing at this unearthly hour ?
他们为什么要在这个时间 演奏?
The lights swirled silently atop the police and illuminated the white garden with an unearthly blue-and-red glow .
令人不安的红蓝色闪光 照亮了白色的花园。
Telephoned me at an unearthly hour .
在一个 反常的时刻打电话给我。
For a few seconds we watched the unearthly lights on the water
有那么几秒钟,我们注视着水面上 那些 奇异的光。
There was silence again an unearthly silence more trying than hideous din .
又是沉默, 可怕的沉默比 低声 的 喧骚更令人难受。
Her appearance was altered as I had told Heathcliff ; but when she was calm there seemed unearthly beauty in the change .
正如我告诉过希刺克厉夫的一样,她的外表是改变了;但当她是宁静的时候,在这种变化中仿佛 具有 非凡的美。
Early photographs taken of the actress capture a pale almost unearthly quality .
这个女演员早期拍摄的照片展现了一个苍白的, 不 似 凡人的美人。
I was woken up at some unearthly hour of the morning by someone knocking on my door .
He was hollow-cheeked and pale almost unearthly .
他面颊凹陷,脸色苍白,几乎像 鬼一样。
The light was unearthly .
光线是 神秘的。
The job involved getting up at some unearthly hour to catch the first train .
这工作需要起 大早赶头班火车。
Indeed the position was so absolutely unearthly that I believe it actually lulled our sense of terror .
事实上,这 幅 极端恐怖,绝非 人世 的 景象,确实把我们 吓昏了。
The silence half way up the mountain was quite unearthly .
在半山腰时那寂静很 怕人。
His white moist hands could draw from a violin music that had in it something unearthly and untaught .
他那双苍白的汗涔涔的手能拿起小提琴来拉两下音乐,倒是大有 无师自通而且不同凡响的意味。
Chivalry pure and passionless women unearthly beauty some high southern fantasy possessed them .
侠义的作风,纯朴而不动情的女人, 超自然的美,这些南方的幻想占有了他们。
She heard the sirens scream their unearthly wail .
她听到警报器发出 可怕 的 尖叫声。
There glimmered the embroidered letter with comfort in its unearthly ray .
她胸前绣着的字母闪着的 非凡的光辉,将温暖舒适带给他人。
Disappearing with them will be a beautiful tale about the innocent and unearthly world .
一起消失的,是一个关于 世外桃源的美丽传说。
Here creation concentrated unearthly glory | dark North slope the sunlit South divide dusk and dawn .
造化 钟 神秀,阴阳割昏晓。(杜甫《 登 泰山》)
What do you mean bv calling me at this unearthly hour ?
你这么 早打电话是什么意思啊?
Why should I get up at this unearthly hour ?
为什麽我得 这麽 早 起床?
They arranged to meet in Riverside Park at the unearthly hour of seven in the morning .
他们约定一 大清 早7点在河滨公园见面。
In the rays of the late afternoon sun every well-remembered field and forest grove was green and still with an unearthly quiet that struck terror to Scarlett 's heart .
在傍晚的太阳光下,每一片记得很清楚的田地和灌木林都是碧绿的,寂静的,那种 不祥的宁静在思嘉心中引起了恐惧。
The sound was so serene that it seemed unearthly .
那种声音听起来是那么宁静,仿佛 天 外 之 音。
I wondered when he had last risen at that unearthly hour .
我不知道他最近一次那么 早 起床 是 什么时候。
His eyes were closed and his face had a look of slack unearthly peace .
他闭着眼睛,脸色显得 疲惫松驰, 但 却 异常地平静。