




  • One of the astonishing properties of this superfluid is that it flows uphill .

    这种超流体的一个令人惊讶的性质是它 流动。

  • We 'll have to fight an uphill battle but we can be competitive .

    我们 必要打一场 硬仗,但我们是可以有竞争力的。

  • The man was no more than ten yards away and slightly uphill .

    那名男子就在10码之内,稍 山顶

  • At any rate it was a long uphill struggle for them .

    无论如何,对他们说来,这是一场长期的 艰苦的斗争。

  • Follow this path then turn right and walk uphill .

    顺着这条路走,接着右拐 上坡

  • No matter which way you have to march its always uphill .

    不管你从哪条路线行军,都会是 上坡

  • Help me push the car uphill .

    帮我把车推 上坡

  • And you never know'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb .

    没到达山顶之前,你从不知这一切是否值得你费尽千辛万苦 爬坡

  • We cycled downhill then walked uphill .

    我们骑车下了山,然后步行走 上去

  • Hobbes realizes this is a difficult and uphill task that he has set for himself .

    霍布斯意识到他已经给自己,定下了一个困难而 艰巨的任务。

  • That was all the pancake specifications I could get that night . I didn 't wonder that Jackson bird found it uphill work .

    那天晚上,我所能打听到的有关薄饼的细节只有这么些。难怪 杰克逊·伯德觉得 棘手

  • It 's an uphill battle but I think we 're going to win .

    虽然这是一 艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。

  • The utility model meets the requirements of different heels when people go uphill and go downhill .

    本实用新型满足了 下坡时对不同鞋跟的要求。

  • Rounding a turn of the uphill road they looked out on a broad panorama of the base .

    他们在 上坡路上转了一个弯儿,俯视基地的宽阔全景。

  • Dragging the load uphill was tough work for the horse .

    拖货物 上坡马来 是很困难的工作。

  • The road winds uphill

    道路沿 山坡蜿蜒

  • It had been an uphill struggle to achieve what she had wanted

    历尽 坎坷才达到目的

  • The last mile is all uphill .

    最后一英里全是 上坡

  • It strikes me as an uphill battle simply because it is an awkward and time-consuming process .

    我认为这是 艰巨的战争,因为它非常的奇怪和耗费时间。

  • Chinese reformers have had an uphill battle in overcoming these deeply rooted cultural fears .

    为了战胜这些根深蒂固的文化恐惧,中国的改革派付出了 艰辛的努力。

  • The slope is too steep to cycle uphill .

    坡儿太陡, 车骑上去

  • He had been running uphill a long way

    他已经跑了一段很长的 上坡

  • The road uphill to the village was muddy and slippery .

    到村里的 上坡路又泥泞又滑。

  • You have to gear down when you drive uphill .

    上坡行驶时必须 慢挡。

  • As it stands AMD is going to have an uphill battle at this time .

    当它站着的时候,AMD在这次将要有一 上坡的战争。

  • This is hard uphill work .

    这是艰难且 费力的活。

  • Hawthorne Avenue turns uphill over the top and downhill to a length of a thousand feet .

    霍索恩大街总长有1000英尺,由 上坡 和下坡段组成。

  • Can we conduct water uphill ?

    我们能引水 上山吗?

  • But P.knows he may have an uphill battle to fight as long as energy prices remain low .

    但是P。知道一旦能源价格保持低迷的话他可能得进行长期的 艰苦战斗了。

  • You cannot climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts .

    你不可能想着下山的事情爬 上山