updating process

[法] 更新过程

  • I look forward to updating you on this process as soon as the board has developments to share and will continue to do everything I can to make yahoo !

    在这一 过程中,一旦董事会有所进展,我将及时 通知你们,我也将继续尽我所能让雅虎发挥出最大的潜力。

  • This paper illustrates the importance of the grid chosen and analyzes the updating process of searching direction .

    本文阐述了选取矩形网格的必要性,分析了 光线的搜索方向的 更新 过程

  • This paper described the features of dynamic architectures in details and proposed a component_based and dynamically updatable architecture model and made an analysis and validation of the model through a dynamic updating process of the client / server system .

    本文详细分析了动态体系结构的特性,提出了一种基于构件的可动态更新的体系结构模型,并以一个客户机/服务器系统动态 更新 实例来分析和验证该模型。

  • In the GAFSA global information is added to the artificial fish position updating process . The experimental results indicate that the optimization precision and the convergence speed of the proposed method are significantly improved when compared with those of the original AFSA .

    在全局人工鱼群算法中,人工鱼的位置 更新模式 加入了全局最优信息,仿真实验表明,论文中所提出的全局人工鱼群算法提高了人工鱼群算法的收敛速度和收敛精度。

  • By updating and transformation process a city can break through development bottleneck opening up new space for development therefore maintaining its vitality .

    城市通过 逐步 更新和改造 过程,方能突破某些发展瓶颈,开拓新的发展空间,进而保持其旺盛的生命力。

  • To compile and keep updating manufacturing product / process specification ( MPS ) .

    产品规格和生产 工艺规格的编写和 更新

  • Building and updating process and considerations of baseline finite element model ( FEM ) for the long span cable-stayed bridges are studied and presented based on the bridge dynamic analysis characteristics .

    针对大跨径斜拉桥的动力分析特点,研究了基准有限元模型的建立 过程 修正策略。

  • NCH-Tree introduces the idea of B + tree to store time information of all transactions in a list which can make the updating process efficient .

    NCH-Tree结构中引入B+树的思想,把所有事务的时间信息存放在一个链表中,方便进行 更新

  • This paper defines a data warehouse updating system based on the SOA and the workflow technology focusing on the problem of integrating heterogeneous data sources and controlling the updating process of data warehouse .

    本文针对异构数据源的集成问题和数据仓库 更新 流程的控制问题,提出了一个基于SOA和工作流的数据仓库更新系统。

  • According to the Regulations for Gradation and Classification on Urban Land the updating process follows the standard grading procedure which would bring much workload to government .

    根据《城镇土地分等定级规程》的规定,土地级别 更新采用标准的定级程序进行,这样势必会为土地管理部门带来巨大的工作量;

  • The new algorithm abandons updating process for soft value and produces soft value by comparing metrics between two integral pathes based on synthetically utilizing forward and backward searching in trellis .

    该算法的 独到之处在于,综合利用对栅格图的正向和反向搜索,从而实现了通过全局路径比较来产生软输出值。

  • The server is responsible for receiving P2P identification message updating and managing P2P process libraries of the network .

    服务器负责接收P2P识别消息, 更新和管理网络的P2P 进程库。

  • Business Process Reengineering in the Era of Information & On updating the accounting business process

    信息时代的业务流程重组&兼论会计业务 流程 更新

  • Besides that the new system will adopt two different approaches that are auto-indexing and manual-indexing to update the indexes in real time to make the index updating process more flexible .

    另外,本文采用自动索引和手工索引两种方法来对索引进行实时更新,使得索引 更新 变得更加灵活。

  • The specifications displayed are subject to a constant updating process .

    显示的规范须经过持续的 更新 过程

  • The data updating process by directly accessing the communication port between GIS and SCADA is illustrated in detail by a practical system .

    最后根据现场实例,介绍了利用直接通信端口读取实现配电地理信息系统中实时数据 更新 过程

  • Especially during the background updating process the thought of determining background updating speed based on similarity degree is proposed which enhances the effective of background updating and decreases the disturbance of background noise .

    特别是在背景 更新 过程中提出了根据相似程度确定背景更新速度的思想,增强了背景更新的有效性,减少了背景噪声的干扰。

  • With the aims of the general direct updating method the perturbation factor of stiffness matrix is adopted into the updating process to preserve the symmetry and sparsity of the matrix and to keep the mechanical meanings of the updated model more expressly .

    采用 修正各单元刚度参与系数的 办法来达到矩阵型模型修正目的,修正后模型的力学意义明确,保持了刚度矩阵的带状和稀疏性。

  • To find the solution of this optimization problem an improved PSO algorithm is proposed which includes initial enlargement variance and local updating process . Utilizing three processes synthetically improves the optimization effect of PSO algorithm .

    改进算法新增初始扩大、变异及局部 更新三个 过程,上述过程的综合运用提高了粒子群算法的优化求解效果。

  • The updating process is achieved as follows : firstly the elements that have stiffness discrepancies between real model and initial FE model are identified by using a damage detection method then updating of the mode shapes for FE model is performed by iterative operations ;

    首先利用损伤检测方法识别出实际模型中与初始有限元模型有刚度偏差的杆件单元并 修正其材料弹性模量,并采用反复迭代修正的 方法实现有限元模型振型的修正;

  • From the dynamic relationship between the information and the price the essence of the stock price adjustment process is a updating process of information and belief .

    从信息与价格之间的动态关系看,股票价格调整过程的本质是 投资者 更新信息、 修正信念的 过程

  • By employing quality-charge technique updating process equipments optimizing operations and strengthening production management the main technical and economic indices of the blast furnaces at Shaoguan Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd.

    通过发展精料技术、 改造 工艺设备、优化高炉操作以及优化生产管理等措施,使高炉生产的主要技术经济指标得到了明显改善。

  • The iterative process of image restoration and the updating process of weight coefficients of neural network are executed alternately .

    图像复原的迭代求解过程和神经网络权系数矩阵的 更新 过程交替进行。

  • In system not only the process knowledge decision procedure apart can suit for updating protecting of process knowledge in different environment but also the inputting module of parts information process database can be used in other similar system .

    系统中不仅工艺知识与工艺决策程序分离,能适应不同加工环境下 工艺知识的 更新与维护,而且其零件信息输入模块、工艺数据库可完全用于其它同对象的系统中,柔性化程度高。

  • In some way PSO and GA are uniform in updating process .

    从某些角度而言,PSO和GA在 更新 迭代 过程是统一的。

  • The substance of the spatiotemporal data updating is the process of spatial entity state change .

    空间数据 更新的实质是空间实体状态及内容改变的 过程

  • Poverty society warm and feed society Primary fairly comfortable society Overwhelm fairly comfortable society this is a changing and updating process .

    贫困型社会温饱型社会初级小康社会全面小康社会,这是一个不断发展变化、 逐步演进 升级 过程

  • Innovations including the unceasing launch of new products constant updating of process technologies continuous expansion of markets new supplies of raw materials and fuels and new organizational forms are strong drives for the continual and intense development of glass fiber industry .

    创新作用,包括新产品的不断问世、 工艺的不断 更新、市场的不断开拓、新的原燃料供应方式、新的组织方式,是玻纤工业持续强劲发展的强动力。

  • During the design of a feed system for a large calibre naval gun complexity of system has made the simulation of a virtual prototype essential for updating of traditional design process improvement of design feasibility and shortening of design and development process .

    在大口径舰炮供弹系统设计中,由于系统的复杂性,使得虚拟样机的仿真对于 改进传统设计 流程,提高设计可行性,缩短研发周期起着不可忽视的重要作用。