up to then

[ʌp tu ðɛn][ʌp tu: ðen]


  • I 'll swim up to his castle then flounder will splash around to get his attention .

    我要 他的城堡, 接着弗劳德会吸引他的注意力。

  • Shove your way up to the front then jump your head off !

    前面去,开始 甩头

  • Know what stress-relieving techniques work for you like deep breathing putting your feet up listening to music ; then do them .

    马上找出哪些缓解压力的技巧对你有效,例如深呼吸、高 、音乐等, 然后身体力行。

  • If wordform_handler is set up to apply XSLT then it creates a Picket object .

    如果wordformhandler 设置 应用XSLT, 它会创建Picket对象。

  • After fully detoxifying your blood during your sleep you wake up fresh to inhale beneficial energy . Then you pass out unwanted poop from your large intestine .

    在你睡觉、完全给血液排毒之后,你 醒来,焕然一新,吸入有益的空气, 然后你排出大肠里无用的粪便。

  • I ran straight up to Columbia County then turned East came down the Harlem Valley and thence home

    我一直 跑到哥伦比亚县, 然后向东转,沿着哈勒姆山谷,从那里回到家。

  • For Li going to Canada was just the latest in a series of unlikely opportunities that had shaped his life up to then .

    对李祥林来说,去加拿大是他当时许多不可能的机会中最近的一个,而正是这些机会 造就了他 后来的人生。

  • Bring it up to the boil and then simmer for around about ten minutes or when the fish is thoroughly cooked .

    锅子里差不多 可以放三四片鱼, 倒入一杯牛奶,煮沸 以后降温,焖个十五分钟,完全熟了为止。

  • Snape held up a hand to stop her then pointed his wand again at the concealed staircase door .

    斯内普 举起一只手制止了她, 然后再次用魔杖一指那道楼梯暗门。

  • EM countries usually maintain stability leading up to elections then boldly reform .

    新兴市场国家通常 选举之前 保持稳定, 之后 进行大胆改革。

  • There 's a striking moment at the start of Thucydides ' Peloponnesian War when he surveys Greek history up to then .

    修西得底斯的《伯罗奔尼撒战争》一书开头有一个引人注目的部份,审视了希腊 直到 当时的所有历史。

  • This process continues for up to three days and then slow roasted at the finish .

    这个过程会持续三天, 最后慢慢烘干。

  • Next work your way up to processor and disk benchmarks then two-node ( parallel ) benchmarks then multi-node ( parallel ) benchmarks .

    接下来,做处理器和磁盘基准测试, 然后是两节点(并行)基准测试,再执行多节点(并行)基准测试。

  • You can remove a quarter up to half the water and then replace it with clean water .

    您可以移除四分之一 一半的水, 然后,取而代之的是干净的水。

  • Up to then Cupertino had had a convoluted set of relationships with different browser makers including a five-year agreement with Microsoft and had tried to roll its own more than once .


  • If this frustration comes from wanting something to be better than it is and taking extra time and effort to bring it up to those standards then you are actually doing work that matters to you .

    如果这种沮丧来自于想要某事变得更完美并愿意花时间和精力使之 达到标准, 那么你所做的工作对你来说是重要的。

  • And if the application servers must be divided up to service only one database then the efficiencies of multi-tenancy are further eroded .

    如果必须分割应用服务器 以便只为一个数据库提供服务, 那么多租户的高效率特性将进一步被折损。

  • I 'm using the term resource-interesting to suggest that a model like Google 's free up to a point and then for-pay after that has some huge advantages over almost any other model .

    我使用术语“资源相关”表明,像GoogleAppEngine这样的一种模式一定范围内免费,超出范围 收费对于几乎任何其他模型都有巨大的优势。

  • It is snowing outside the window ; soak a cup of coffee have been grasping it up to cool only then know to have remembered you .

    窗外下着雪,泡一杯咖啡,握 它凉了, 知道又想起了你。

  • Finally get the author 's name by jumping from the element back up to its parent then using find ( 'author > name ' ) .

    最后,从元素跳 回到它的父元素, 接着使用find( 'author>name'),获得作者的用户名。

  • If a woman looks away for up to 45 seconds and then stares you straight in the eye it is another sure sign that she is interested because she is thinking hard about whether you are a suitable partner .

    如果一个女人 一边看 45秒, 然后 直直地正视你的眼睛,这确定无疑地表示她对你感兴趣,因为她正在努力思考你是不是一个合适的伴侣。

  • At one point it was down to 38 but then bounced back up to 42 but then down again to 35 .

    它一度跌到了38英里,随后又 回升 42英里, 接着再跌到35英里。

  • The Archbishop stood up to go but then turned and touched the King 's arm . 'Please Sir think again . The Church will be against you . '

    大主教站 起身 走,但 回过头来,拍拍国王的手臂。陛下,请您再想想。教会会反对您的。

  • It is up to the application to then look at the error and decide if message dispatching should continue .


  • I remember another guy came up to her right then and asked her : do you need help ?

    我记得就在 时候,有一个家伙 走过 问她:“你需要帮忙吗?”

  • The forces that drove the stock up to over $ 700 and then down to below $ 390 seem to me to have more to do with a dysfunctional securities market than anything cook has done as CEO .

    我认为,苹果股价 上涨 700多美元, 随后回落至390美元,更多的是因为股票市场的机能失调,与库克担任CEO没有什么关系。

  • But if he cranks it up all the way to level 3 then its time to panic . This is the official Government-sanctioned rate that must be used for all taxi rides following a nuclear explosion .

    但是如果司机 标准升 水平3的 ,这时候你要感到恐惧 对。因为水平3是政府制定的标准,而这种标准只有在核爆炸的情况下才会被应用。

  • Don 't be a robot who shows up to the office works then leaves .

    不要像个机器人一样 出现办公室、工作, 然后离开。