up there

[ʌp ðɛr][ʌp ðɛə]

在那里, (美)(非正式)在天上

  • Makes it a lot easier to put a colony up there .

    这使得人类在月亮 建立殖民地简单

  • There she is on the left up there

    她在 那边,左边那儿。

  • When I woke up there was a hulking figure staring down at me

    醒来时, 个巨形身影正低头盯着我看。

  • There is no traffic up there .

    在天上就不会 出现交通 堵塞

  • Oh yes this magician then he goes upstairs ( for you must know he kept all his magic things up there and we all lived down below ) I say he goes upstairs and puts a spell on us .

    啊,对了,说到这个魔法师,他上了楼,因为你们必须知道他把所有的魔法玩意儿 放在 楼上,我们都住在楼下。我说,他上了楼,对我们施了魔法。

  • ' What are you doing up there ?' I called .

    你在 上边干什么?我叫道。

  • The Ritz was outlined against the lights up there

    高悬的灯光映照 里兹饭店的轮廓。

  • He 's going to be up there again come Sunday .

    到星期天他又会 那儿去。

  • I lay up there high above the world and I was all alone .

    我高 世界之上,孤身一人。

  • We want people of integrity to be up there .

    我们希望诚实正直的人 领导

  • You can really see the world 's atmosphere up there .

    你真的能 那儿看到 大气层

  • You see that skylight up there ?


  • Peter was not with them for the moment and they felt rather lonely up there by themselves .

    彼得这会儿没和他们 一起,他们 空中觉得怪寂寞的。

  • If necessary the airship can stay up there for days to keep out of danger

    必要时,飞艇能 那里停留数天以躲避危险。

  • See the picture up there ?


  • That brave young man up there on top of the rick is the one who 's saved your wheat .

    垛顶 那位勇敢的年轻人就是救了你的麦子的人。

  • The great kings of the past are up there watching over us .

    过去所有那些伟大的国王都 上面,看着我们。

  • The man says : You go up there and tell him off .

    男士回应说:你快 上去斥责他。

  • They always looked up at the tower . Now they can go up there and look down .

    坐牢时他们总是仰望那座高塔,而现在,他们可以 塔顶,向下俯视。

  • There have been demands for services from tenants up there


  • Can you see the sign Pay Here up there ?

    有没有看到写着“在 付费”的牌子?

  • I hope a job opens up there soon .

    希望 那里不久能有工作的机会。

  • ' Why who has cocked my silver mug up there on a nail ? 'exclaimed the boy .

    “哎呀,谁把我的银杯子 钉子上了?”孩子高声喊道。

  • It is dark in New York . I can 't see the clouds in the dark but I know they are up there looking at me .

    纽约很黑,在黑暗中我看不到云,但我知道它们 上面看着我。

  • Whenever I 'm up there I always drop in

    每次我 那儿都会顺便去看看。

  • I hope she had it a little more tidied up there .

    我希望她把 那里 收拾得更整洁一些。

  • Why don 't y'all get in the car and I 'll run you up there .

    为什么不偷鸡摸狗上车,我将会 你奔去,你 上去

  • There 's a lake up there about ten miles long .


  • Will you stand up there with me ?

    你想 我身边吗?