up keep cost

[ʌp kip kɔst][ʌp ki:p kɔst]

[化] 维护费,维护费用

  • At the same time set up a network of feed production and supplying keep animal husbandry motion at low production cost thus promote the animal husbandry developing at high speed .

    同时, 建立各级粗精饲料生产供应网络, 保证畜牧业低 成本运转,促进新疆畜牧业持续快速发展。

  • The first priority to grow up business is how to keep the competitive cost advantage to comply with the customized and personalized product needs and how to develop more attractive products to expand the market share .

    企业发展的当务之急是如何 保持廉价的 成本优势迎合客户个性化的产品需求以及如何开发更具竞争力的产品扩大市场占有率。