up in arms


  • That evidence seems enough to get xenophobes up in arms but these analyses are complicated .

    这个结果可能会 激起某些人的 排外主义情绪,不过 这些分析结果的背后隐藏着复杂的现象。

  • Breeders are up in arms at the prospect of the ban .

    饲养者 竭力反对这条禁令。

  • They are up in arms about it .

    他们对这种 群情 激昂

  • As soon as we asked them money they were up in arms .


  • Local business owners were quickly up in arms .

    很快,当地企业主 开始强烈 抗议

  • Some London bankers are already up in arms over a European Union proposal similar in outline to the G-20 's that would force banks to hold on to extra cash to cover certain losses .

    伦敦的一些银行业人士已经对欧盟一项提案 不满;该提案与二十国集团公报所阐述的大体类似,可能会迫使银行截留更多现金用于应对某些损失。

  • The youths of the country are up in arms .

    全国青年已全 武装 起来

  • Restaurant owners around the world are up in arms over laws that prohibit smoking in public places .

    世界各地的餐厅老板都对禁止在公众场所吸烟的法令感到 愤怒

  • Environmental groups are up in arms about plans to sink an oil well close to Hadrian 's Wall .

    环保组织 极力反对 哈德良长城附近打油井。

  • The women were up in arms about the new antiabortion law .

    妇女们 激烈 抗议新制定的禁止堕胎法律。

  • The voters back home are already up in arms about how much the government takes out of their pay already and I have to run for re-election this fall .

    回家的 投票者对政府从他们收入 拿走的部分已经很 愤怒,今年秋天我必须再次竞选。

  • A lot of organic supporters are up in arms about the recent Stanford study that found no nutritional benefit to organic foods .

    许多有机食品的支持者强烈 反对斯坦福大学近来的一项研究,该研究发现有机食品并不一定更有营养。

  • There is no need to get up in arms over such trifles .

    不必为这样的一些小事而 大动肝火

  • Some companies especially in the IT sector are up in arms .

    一些公司,尤其是在it行业,正在 奋起 反抗

  • All of the people in that country were up in arms against the invaders .

    那个国家的全体人民都 武装 起来 准备和入侵者作战。

  • If you know ahead of time that he leaves his dirty clothes all over the apartment and has an aversion to emptying the dishwasher you won 't be as up in arms about these things when you live together .

    他喜欢把脏衣服丢得 满屋都是,也懒得去 清理满满当当的洗碗机,如果你事前就知道这些情况,那么同居后你就会明白无须 这些问题 浪费 唇舌了。

  • All us students are up in arms at the news the school is raising our tuition ten percent .

    当听到学校要增加我们百分之十的学费这个消息时,所有的学生都非常 愤怒

  • The whole school seemed to be up in arms .

    人声 嘈杂,好像整个学校都活动 起来

  • At last the people rose up in arms and defeated the cruel rulers .

    人民终于 武装 起义推翻了残暴的统治者。

  • The Cornish are up in arms .


  • Presidents were up in arms about plans for a new road along the beach .

    居民 反对沿海滩造一条新路的计划。

  • Local residents are up in arms over plans to build a new motorway .

    当地居民 极力反对新建一条高速公路的计划。

  • All of the colonies are up in arms against him .

    所有的殖民地均 奋起与他作斗争。

  • Tom is up in arms when he knows that he is fired .

    汤姆听到他被解雇的消息时非常 愤怒

  • But the gun manufacturers and the NRA would be up in arms if you tried something like that .

    但是,如果你们试图做那样的事情,枪支生产者和全国枪支协会将会 揭竿而起

  • Free marketeers are up in arms at what they view as a wholesale confiscation of intellectual property .

    自由市场主义者 竭力反对在他们看来无异于大规模剥夺知识产权的做法。

  • Residents are all getting up in arms over the government 's plan to Build a factory near their residence

    居民们对政府 他们住所附近建造工厂的计划表示极大的 愤慨

  • Residents are up in arms about the closure of the local library .

    居民 当地图书馆的关闭很是 不满

  • People usually is up in arms when others said they were stupid .

    人们往往会很 生气,当有人说他们是傻瓜的时候。