


  • People obtain courage unwavering and noble personality during the process of overcoming difficulty .

    人往往就是在克服困难的过程中,产生了勇气, 坚毅和高尚的品格。

  • Behind corporate restructuring looms the unwavering belief that downsizing the workforce is the only way to survive competition .

    在公司重组的背后隐藏着这个 从未动摇过的信念:裁员是在竞争中生存的惟一方法。

  • Novak 's unwavering commitment to child rights will contribute to creating a world fit for children .

    德约科维奇对儿童权利事业做出了 坚定的承诺,这将有助于创造一个适合儿童的世界。

  • The government 's unwavering support for this policy .

    政府对这项政策 坚定不移的支持。

  • And thank you ministries of health in this region for your unwavering commitment to equity fairness and social justice to prevention as well as cure .

    感谢本区域各国卫生部,感谢你们在预防和治疗的公正、平等和社会正义方面所作出的 坚定承诺。

  • Love for God should be absolutely steady and unwavering .

    对神的爱要绝对地持久而 犹豫

  • The response of the free world to this must be unwavering .

    自由世界对此的反应必须是 坚定不移的。

  • His attitude was unwavering .

    他的态度非常 坚决

  • This is part of a broad multinational effort that is right and just and we will be unwavering in our commitment to the security of our people allies and partners .

    这是广泛的多国努力的一部分,属于正确和正义的行动。我们将 动摇 履行我们为保障我国人民、盟友和伙伴的安全做出的承诺。

  • She has been encouraged by the unwavering support of her family

    家人的 坚决支持让她深受鼓舞。

  • Thank you again for your continued and unwavering support .

    再一次感谢你们 坚定不移的支持。

  • Reaffirm their unwavering stance

    重申他们 坚定的立场

  • During his trip this month the president met leaders from every US treaty ally in Asia and many of our partners to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to regional security .

    在本月出访亚太期间,奥巴马总统会见了美国所有亚洲盟友及许多伙伴国的领导人,重申了我们对 亚太地区安全 动摇的承诺。

  • Unwavering resolve may not be available .


  • I have great respect for Michele 's visionary and shamanic healing skills and her unwavering integrity with Native wisdom .

    我非常尊重米歇尔富有远见和萨满愈合 坚定不移的技能和她的完整性与自然的智慧。

  • An unwavering sense of belief in what you 're doing .

    对从事的工作有 恒定的信念。

  • But this Health Assembly had a second dimension expressed as your unwavering commitment to the health-related MDGs .

    但是,这届卫生大会还有第二个方面,就是你们对与卫生有关的千年发展目标的 坚定不移的承诺。

  • Its morale was sustained by an unwavering faith : that we the market are those who know best .

    它的士气由一个 坚定的信仰所支撑:我们市场是最了解情况的人。

  • His unwavering style of leadership has led many to regard him as a modern Gandhi .

    曼德拉坚韧的领导风格令许多人将他视为现代版的甘地( Gandhi)。

  • Inspired by her unwavering love and faith Nash finally decides to fight a disease .

    纳斯受到她 坚定不移的爱情和信念的鼓舞,最终决定与疾病抗争。

  • Just one example : America 's unwavering support for Mobutu of Zaire .

    仅举一例:美国对扎伊尔蒙博托的 坚定支持。

  • The volunteers of our military are unrelenting in battle unwavering in loyalty unmatched in honor and decency .

    我国的志愿军人在战场上英勇无畏, 坚贞不屈,表现了无比高尚的情操和气节。

  • If you don 't have unwavering faith in your idea no one else will either .

    如果你对自己的想法不能 坚定信心,别人也不会。

  • This was a desperate attempt to convince them of her unwavering faith .

    这是一次全力要他们相信她那 坚贞不渝信念的努力。

  • And we drove a hard bargain because we have one unwavering purpose in our goal .

    我们进行非常艰苦的讨价还价是因为,我们有着一个 不可动摇的目标。

  • Our message is clear and unwavering .

    我们的意思是明确的,也 绝不 动摇

  • We will support those revolutions with fidelity to our ideals with the power of our example and with an unwavering belief that all human beings deserve to live with freedom and dignity .

    我们将支持那些革命,同时保持对我们的理念的忠诚,以我们的榜样做为力量,并 坚定不移 相信所有人类都理应过上自由和有尊严的生活。

  • All it takes is perseverance organization and an unwavering sense of self .

    这一切所需要的不过是毅力、规划以及 动摇的自我意识。