


  • O unwearied feet travelling ye know not whither !

    啊, 孜孜不倦的双脚,们也并不知道他要走向何方!

  • Toward mortals Mars could show himself on occasion as vindictive as his fair foe Minerva the unwearied daughter of Jove .

    对于凡人,马尔斯有时表现得就跟他 美貌的对手、朱庇特的 永不 怠倦的女儿密涅瓦一样的复仇心切。

  • The fancied object was not fixed : either his eyes pursued it with unwearied diligence and even in speaking to me were never weaned away .

    那幻想的东西也不是固定的;他的眼睛 不倦 追寻着,甚至在跟我说话的时候,也从来不舍得移去。

  • But her eyes were still clear and unwearied and she still moved like a shadow on the sea .

    但她的双眼还 从前 清澈 灵动,行动起来依然如海面上掠过的影子般 轻盈迅捷。

  • Because each paper wants to have distinctive and original argument clarify or prove a viewpoint and should accomplish these have do not borrowed and continue to use repeats namely leave very great time with respect to need this where can unwearied !


  • Social harmony is the unwearied common ideal of mankind ; it is also the essential requirement of developing the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics .

    社会和谐是人类 孜孜以求的共同理想,也是发展中国特色社会主义的本质要求。

  • With unwearied diligence his eyes pursue the object till it gradually disappeared .

    他的眼光 毫无 松懈 追踪 这个物体,直到它逐渐消失。

  • An unwearied pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon .
