


  • Small print in documents can contain traps for the unwary .

    文件中的小号印刷字体可能藏有 粗心 人设 的陷阱。

  • The new film will ambush the unwary appal the squeamish and get unwanted attention from the prurient .

    这部新片将出其不意地震撼 粗心的观众,令胆小的观众感到惊骇,并得到好色之徒讨厌的关注。

  • In Hong Kong unwary pedestrians face more dangerous precipitation .

    但在香港, 警惕 的行人面临着更加危险的坠物。

  • The nature of spoken audio on computer systems is such that there are many traps to catch the unwary .

    计算机系统上的音频本质上存在许多 陷阱

  • He also lies in wait for the unwary and at night enters bed-chambers and terrorizes folk threatening to pounce upon them if they shut their eyes .

    他还在于等待 事态,并在夜间进入床房,并恐吓民俗,扬言要突袭他们,如果他们关闭了他们的眼睛是雪亮的。

  • An unwary pedestrian is much more likely to be struck by a car than one who looks both ways and crosses with the light .

    一个 小心的行人比一个过 马路看两边并按红绿灯的 指示 行动的人更有可能被车撞到。

  • All the while deadlines at work were crashing in on me like sneaker waves at the beach those surging tides that submerge unwary tourists without warning .

    从始至终,工作截止日期像大浪一样向我拍 过来 &那些毫无预警就 吞噬疏忽 大意的游客的大浪头。

  • The website is happy to accept and make income from adverts from companies which take advantage of the unwary .

    该网站乐于去接受并从那些利用 网友 粗心的公司发布的广告中获得收入。

  • They involve different languages different customs and different tastes and they can cause major difficulties for unwary marketers .

    包括不同的语言,不同的习俗,不同的喜好,它们会对 小心的营销者产生很大的困难。

  • But only the unwary could really suppose that his ' coolness'was because he felt too little .

    但是只有 那些 轻率的人才真正认为他的冷淡是因为他的感觉迟钝。

  • In many cases resizing operations can proceed smoothly ; however numerous stumbling blocks can cause problems for the unwary or even for those who take adequate precautions .

    很多情况下,调整操作一般都很顺利,然而,许多障碍都是 粗心大意引起的,甚至对那些已经做了充分准备的人也不能避免。

  • This means that the rare case in which two classes are tightly-coupled across package boundaries has to be split across files leading the unwary to not recognize the tight coupling between the two .

    这意味着两个跨包进行紧密耦合的类一定要在跨文件时分离,这 致使两者间的紧密耦合很容易被忽略。

  • Another way that listeners can make trouble for unwary event sources is throwing an unchecked exception .

    对于 小心的事件源,侦听器会造成麻烦的另一个方式是:抛出未检测的异常。

  • Any part of the design could be a magic rune ready to unleash its power upon the careless or unwary .

    图案 了各种魔法符号,随时准备将能量释放到无知或 粗心大意 的身上。

  • We can 't get unwary just because nothing unusual has cropped up .

    不能因为没发生什么问题就 麻痹大意起来。

  • An unwary space voyager ensnared by a black hole will never be seen to enter it but only to become frozen to its surface .

    永远不会看到,被黑洞捕捉住的 粗心的宇宙旅行者进入黑洞,而只是看见他被冻结在黑洞的表面上。

  • With its quicksands the river usually drowns a few unwary visitors every season .

    因有流沙,往往每季都会有几个游客 小心在这条河里溺水身亡。

  • Unfortunately for the unwary in this the Illuminati are masterful .

    不幸的是因为 粗心大意,在这方面就是因为光照派的傲慢。

  • They are simple-minded and easily outwitted but in large groups can overwhelm the unwary .

    们很单纯,很好骗,但是一大群则能克服这 缺点

  • Suddenly we heard the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise .

    突然我们听到了 戒备的动物遭突袭的尖叫声。

  • In human form Nidalee lays a damaging trap for unwary opponents that when sprung reveals the target and reduces their armor and magic resistance for12 seconds .

    人类形态的 奈德丽布下一个陷阱,当 粗心的敌人踩到后,他们的行踪就会被显露,并且护甲和魔法抗性会被降低,持续12秒。

  • As home to more than half the world 's people and a large share of its conflicts Asia has a way of mugging unwary US presidents .

    作为全球逾半数人口的家园和大量冲突所在的地区,亚洲往往让缺乏 准备的美国总统 措手不及