


  • He was struck again by the religious reverence of even the most unworldly American women for the social advantages of dress .

    即使最 世故的美国妇女也对 用好衣着 表示社会地位之优越抱着虔诚的崇敬态度,这使他又一次大为震惊了。

  • She was so young so unworldly

    她太年轻,太 人情世故

  • Women fall in love and want to nurture this unworldly slightly vulnerable man and help him grow up .

    女士们坠入情网 之后就想呵护这个 不够 世故看上去 需要 保护的男人,想帮助他长大。

  • As a bit unworldly singer Pushu hates commercial advertising social activities and false faces .

    朴树是一位 脱俗的歌手,他厌恶宣传,厌恶交际,厌恶虚假。

  • Tao Yuan-ming was a typical unworldly poet .

    陶渊明是一位典型的 出世诗人。

  • Henry James Senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to be ambitions but unworldly .

    老亨利?詹姆斯要孩子们严肃而不阴郁, 志高

  • Margaret the main character of the novel is a young unworldly bookish girl who is a bookseller in her father 's shop and she loves reading stories and biographies most .

    小说的主人公玛格丽特是一个 世故、酷爱读书的年轻女孩,最爱读小说和传记。她在父亲的书店帮忙。

  • On the contrary for Western culture while the separating of heaven and man or the opposition of God and man results in high rational potentiality of this culture the unworldly concept makes impossible to realize the rationalization .

    天人相分和人神对立的 世界观导致西方文化合理化潜力高,但 缺少 态度使西方文化合理化没能及时实现。

  • With the exception of medicine which involved an extensive pharmacopoeia and training in herbal medicines higher education was esoteric and unworldly .

    高等教育 一般认为 深不可测、与凡人 无关的, 不过 包括医学。医学会涉及广泛的药典,还包括草药方面的训练。

  • These rabbis charlatans whores sorehead intellectuals simpletons rationalists fatalists and atheists are obsessed marginal mysterious and even unworldly .

    这些拉比、骗子、青楼女子、落魄的知识分子、傻瓜、理性主义者、宿命论者以及无神论者常被(魔鬼、妄想等)迷住心窍。他们是边缘的,神秘的,甚至是 远离 尘世的。

  • Yet while Mr Gates created a fiercely competitive intellectual culture Mr Schmidt has fostered a more academic institution that can feel almost unworldly in its idealistic pursuit of the next computing breakthrough .

    不过,盖茨创造了一种竞争激烈的人才文化,而施密特培育了一种更为学术性的制度,在其对计算领域下一个突破的理想化追求中,几乎 人以 脱离 尘世的感觉。

  • I guess I am a Great Depression buff the same way people are Civil War buffs he wrote in the preface and barely a dog barked as the unworldly man confessed to his harmless hobby .

    他在序言中写道:我想我是个大萧条迷,就像那些美国内战迷一样。当 这位 世事的人坦承自己无害的爱好时,几乎没有 引起 任何 骚动

  • Saddam 's brashness and the criminal abandon with which his officers looted kuwait stripping even the marble from its palaces to add to saddam 's own revealed for all to see his nature as an unworldly and power-mad brute .

    萨达姆的鲁莽及其手下军官掠夺科威特时的无法无天(他们甚至把科威特王宫的大理石拆走安放到萨达姆的宫殿上)让所有人都看穿了他 天真的、疯狂追逐权力的 禽兽

  • When we discuss unworldly things that belong to the spirit aspect or other space we have difficulty in taking the worldly sample .

    是属于精神层面或另一个空间的东西时,我们就很难 使用世俗的事物 加以 说明了。

  • Kitty 's family was unworldly unimpressed by power or money .

    基蒂一家 清心寡欲,淡泊金钱与权力。

  • The creator of Star Wars George Lucas is rumoured to use a formula to generate unworldly names for the characters in his sci-fi saga .

    星球大战的创作者,乔治卢卡斯,据说是用了某种“公式”给他科幻英雄传奇小说中的人物起“超脱 世俗”的名字的。

  • Although nothing unworldly occurs between the two individuals it seems like they behave in different time frames and do not understand each other on a normal mundane level .

    尽管在这两人中没有什么 尘世的事发生,但看起来他们象是在不同的时间框架里行动,而且在正常状态下无法理解对方。

  • Bound together in some unworldly way sharing a spirit or so the like .


  • He is a little unworldly about such matters .

    他在这些事情上 老练