


  • Dynamic Changes and Reason Analysis of Grassland and Unused ( Unexploited or Unwrought ) Land in Naqu of Northern Tibet

    藏北 那曲地区草地和未利用土地动态变化及原因

  • Gold unrefined or refined in unwrought forms non-monetary ( excl. blanks of articles )

    提炼或未提炼的黄金, 形态,非货币(不包括制品坯料)

  • The unwrought land resources development and utilization in Guangxi

    广西 利用土地资源的开发利用

  • Blister and refined unwrought copper



    的和精炼的 炼钢电弧炉炉内温度分布规律的研究

  • Gems unwrought can do nothing useful .

    玉不琢,不 成器

  • Iridium osmium and ruthenium unwrought or in powder form .

    铱,锇及钌, 锻造 或粉状。

  • Gold ( including gold plated with platinum ) unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms or in powder form .

    金(包括镀铂的金), 锻造、半制成或粉末状。

  • Imports of unwrought copper and aluminium in the first half of the year were more than six times the level seen in 2006 when GDP growth was averaging 11 per cent while monthly imports of crude oil and iron ore reached their highest ever level in July .

    今年上半年中国 锻造铜和铝的进口是2006年的6倍多,同时7月份原油和铁矿石月度进口达到了历史最高水平。2006年中国国内生产总值(GDP)的平均增幅为11%。

  • Concerns about supplies have increased after China imposed a 10 per cent tax on exports of unwrought refined lead from June 1 .

    自中国从6月1日 精炼铅征收10%的出口关税之后,市场对铅供应的担忧已有所抬头。

  • Indium alloy ( indium predominating ) malleable unwrought

    铟合金(铟是其中主要成分)有展性的, 锻造

  • Unwrought malleable cadmium alloy ( cadmium predominating )


  • Gallium alloy ( gallium predominating ) malleable unwrought

    镓合金(镓为主要万分)有展性 锻造

  • Gold nickel alloy ( containing 2 % or more by weight of gold ) in unwrought of semi-manufactured forms ( excl. monetary gold and blanks or articles )

    金镍合金(含金量为2%或2%以上) 锻造或半制状态(不包括货币黄金及制品坯料)

  • For these things in themselves beloved may be changed or change for thee ? And love so wrought may be unwrought so .

    可这些东西,亲爱的,本身会变,或因你而改变; 由此 生出的爱又可能因此而 消亡

  • Refined copper and copper alloys unwrought .


  • Magnesium-aluminium-zinc alloys unwrought Isothermal forging process of upper anti-torque arm of 2214 alloy

    镁铝锌合金, 锻造2214铝合金上防扭臂等温模锻工艺的研究

  • Cobalt chromium molybdenum alloy ( cobalt or chromium predominating ) unwrought

    钴铬钼合金(钴或铬是其中主要成分), 锻造

  • Blister and refined unwrought copper Technologies : Zinc process electrolysis process mechanical process and metallurgy process .

    的和精炼的 铜生产工艺:湿法、 法冶炼回收、机械处理 回收

  • Unwrought button metal alloys ( zinc predominating )

    锻造的金属合金 (锌是主要成分)

  • Magnesium-aluminium alloy ( magnesium predominating ) unwrought Isothermal Forging Process of 2214 Alloy Anti-torque Arm

    镁铝合金(镁是其中主要成分) 锻造的2214铝合金防扭臂等温模锻工艺的研究

  • Gems unwrought can do nothing useful . On Change of Jade 's Colour and Dyed Jade

    玉不琢,不 成器。玉器的颜色变化及玉器的染色做旧

  • Numerical Simulation on Precision Forging of Spiral Bevel Gears blister and refined unwrought copper

    弧齿锥齿轮精锻成形工艺的数值模拟粗 的和精炼的

  • Nippon duralumin magnesium-aluminium-zinc alloys unwrought

    日本高强度铝铜镁合金镁铝锌合金, 锻造

  • Platinum unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms or in powder form .

    铂, 锻造、半制成或粉末状。