up the spout

[ʌp ði spaʊt][ʌp ðə spaʊt]


  • The poor chap can 't come to the reception ; his best suit is up the spout .

    那可怜的小伙子不能来参加招待会,因为他最好的衣服 拿去 了。

  • If you ask me your figures are completely up the spout .

    如果你要问我的 看法,你的数据全

  • I 'm really up the spout now .

    目前 处境确实很 困难

  • If you only take a sample then all the statistics are up the spout .

    如果你只采集了一个 样本,那么所有的数据就有问题

  • And Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again .

    有只蜘蛛在水管上奋力不懈往上 爬升

  • He once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on fire .

    曾有一次,他把 茶壶 用东西 堵住,然后把茶壶放在火炉上。

  • All his newly made clothings have gone up the spout .

    他所有新做衣服都被 典当

  • That 's another ten pounds up the spout .

    白白 浪费 10英镑。

  • Air is forced up to the top bulb compressing the air in that bulb and forcing the water to spout out of the upper tube .

    上端含有空气的水会流至 底下下面的空气即被迫 并压迫 上面的空气,因此水便会由上端 喷出

  • Now all our plans are up the spout .

    现在我们的全部计划都 完蛋了。

  • My holiday plans are completely up the spout .


  • Everything I owned has gone up the spout .

    我所有的一切都 化为乌有了。

  • The French air traffic controllers are on strike so my trip to Paris is up the spout .

    法国空中交通管理人员在罢工,因此我的巴黎之行 落空