up to date

[ʌp tu det][ʌp tu: deit]


  • Up to date we have no news of him .


  • The car is a beauty and quite up to date .

    那辆车子很漂亮,是 新式的。

  • With these two updates the business process is now up to date .

    通过这两个更新,该业务流程现在已是 的了。

  • This will ensure that your Eclipse plug-in configuration is up to date .

    这将确保您的Eclipse插件配置是 的。

  • Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness .

    要确保接种 的疫苗,以降低患上严重疾病的危险。

  • Please bring me up to date on the fuel requirement .

    燃料需求的 资料提供给我。

  • I will bring you up to date now but before you read on please sit down .

    我现在就 最近的情况告诉你们,但在往下读之前,请先坐下。

  • The list is up to date now that we 've added the new members ' names .

    我们把新成员的名字已经加 进去了,这份名单是 全的了。

  • This way you can keep up to date with the latest stable release of Audacity .

    这样,您可以始终拥有最新的 Audacity稳定版本。

  • I have not received news from him up to date .

    直到 如今我还没有接到他的消息。

  • As long as you 've bundled your AMI recently your database system will be up to date .

    如果您最近已经打包了您的AMI,您的数据库系统将是 的。

  • The exhibition is informative up to date and mercifully free of gimmicks .

    这个展览既能让人增长见识,又 紧跟时代 前沿,而且幸运的是没有华而不实的东西。

  • You can stay up to date automatically by synchronizing using a schedule .

    您可以通过使用日程安排进行同步来自动 保持

  • To ensure that the quota information is kept up to date you should use the quotacheck command .

    要确保配额信息保持 ,您应该使用 quotacheck命令。

  • I think it is really good the government keeps us up to date on the latest developments .

    我认为这是很好的,我们的政府不断上的最新事态发展 至今

  • Are the pages current and up to date ?

    正在页当前和 的?

  • Some of the older members of the profession are not up to date in their knowledge and methods .

    从事这个职业的年纪较大的人中有一些人的知识和工作方法已 赶不上 目前的情况。

  • So that 's why I think you need to keep up to date with your app .

    所以这就是为什么我认为你需要 不断 更新您的应用程序。

  • We must try to bring mother more up to date with modern styles and persuade her not to wear such old-fashioned clothes .

    我们必须尽量让母亲 赶上 潮流,让她 见见 新式样,并说服她不要再穿这种老掉牙的衣服。

  • I hear it 's quite up to date to go to night schools .

    我听说现在上夜校是很 时兴的。

  • I tried to keep up to date . I want to know what 's going on .

    我想 跟上 时代,我要知道现在有怎样的变化。

  • We 'll keep you up to date with any news

    一有 消息我们就会告诉你

  • It is important that you keep this information up to date .

    保持您 的资讯是非常重要的。

  • I am very up to date on this sort of thing because I listen to the news .

    我掌握 大量关于这类事的最 信息,因为我经常收听新闻。

  • This historic building now bursts with up to date facilities and technology to meet your every need .

    这家历史古迹建筑,现在连发与 切合 时宜的设施和技术来满足您的每一个需要。

  • He brought the data up to date .

    充实 的资料。

  • The examples you will find in this book are right up to date and reflect this change in style .

    例子,你会发现这本书是对 不断 更新,反映在风格上的变化。

  • The editor has collected the material up to date as of may 1995 .

    编辑已 资料收集 1995年5月 那时