up to the chin


  • He took a day off to get thoroughly worked up in came home that night full to the chin of indignation and Dunedin beer and tried to kick Steelman out .

    他请了一天假来使自己彻底激愤 起来了晚上他回到家时,心里充满愤恨,肚里装满了度丁啤酒,试图赶走 斯蒂尔曼

  • His coat has been buttoned up to the chin .

    他的外套钮扣 下巴

  • Then he says up a bit up a bit into the house while running his fingers up baby 's arm to tickle him under the chin .

    然后再唱道:“往卜爬,往上爬,爬到自己家”,此时爸爸将手指 宝宝的手臂 他的 下巴 呵痒痒。

  • Dark complexion ; hair eyebrows and whiskers black ; blue frock-coat buttoned up to the chin ; rosette of an officer of the Legion of Honor in his button-hole ; a hat with wide brim and a cane .

    褐色的皮肤,头发,眉毛胡须,都是黑的,排胸扣的蓝色披风,钮扣上 着荣誉团军官的玫瑰形勋章,戴 阔边帽子,一支藤手杖。

  • He was dressed in a blue frock-coat buttoned up to the chin and wore at his button-hole the rosette of an officer of the Legion of Honor .

    他身穿蓝色披风,钮 孔上 着荣誉团军官的玫瑰花形徽章。