


  • While some have worked from the bottom up - persuading faculty to change - others have taken a more executive approach .

    有些商学院 自下而上进行变革先说服教员们改变另一些则从高管层面入手。

  • Get up earlier - I left this for last on purpose .

    早点 起床 &我是故意 这点留到最后的。

  • One problem with space ventures is that the up - front costs are enormous and the paybacks uncertain and far off at best ( Eric Gelman )

    太空事业的一大问题是,付出巨大的代价,但是回报却是未卜的或远不尽人意(埃里克 盖尔曼

  • The 57-year-old whose real name is Guan Moye is perhaps best-known abroad for his 1987 novella Red Sorghum a tale of the brutal violence that plagued the China countryside - where he grew up - during the 1920s and 30s .

    现年57岁,他的真名叫管谟业,也许是因他1987年的中篇小说《红高粱》而闻名海外,一个困扰中国农村的暴力故事那里是他 成长的地方在20世纪20年代和30年代。

  • The sector has streamlined itself by tearing up - or cancelling - redundant contracts halving the outstanding notional size of the CDS market .

    该领域已通过 撕毁或取消冗余合约的方式进行了痩身,将CDS市场名义未偿付金额减少了一半。

  • Person 's life may also be combustible decadent I can not corrupt I would burn up ! - Ostrovsky .

    人的一生可能燃烧也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我愿意燃烧 起来&奥斯特洛夫斯基。

  • Up - close glimpses of the big money big deals and big decisions of America 's entrepreneurial giants ( bHarvard Business Review )

    对美国企业巨头们的巨额财富,大 手笔的买卖,和重大决定的近距离的详实了解(b哈佛商业评论)

  • Constant interruptions don 't just eat up time - they also break your concentration .

    无休止的干扰不仅仅是 耗尽 时间 &它们也让你无法集中注意力做事。

  • See one of the spires up close - really close - at the 17th-century Church of Our Savior .

    仔细看其中一个塔尖真正 靠近地看这座建于17世纪的我们的救世主教堂。

  • Zhao says that even senior citizens can pick it up - and about 10000 in Shanghai have many inspired by their grandchildren .


  • If he had been used to mountain country he would have realized that this meant he was now very high up - perhaps right at the top of the pass .

    如果他习惯于山野风光的话,他就会明白,这意味着他现在 攀登得很高 &也许正好在那关隘的顶上。

  • Over the past decade the group has embarked on an aggressive expansion both up - and downstream building capacity for raw materials and a sophisticated logistics network .

    过去10年间,晋亿集团在上下游业务均进行 大力扩张,建立了原材料基地和成熟的物流网络。

  • A General Catering Assistant ( Wash Up ) - as it has been described in a job advert - will work for 40 hours per week on the team ' responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the staff restaurant ' .

    招聘广告将这个职位描述为餐饮总助理( 洗碗工),每周要在团队中工作40个小时,负责保持员工餐厅的清洁。

  • Later another wrong idea about tomatoes grew up - the idea that they were poisonous .

    关于西红柿后来又生 出来一种错误观点 &西红柿有毒。

  • Far more than they realise they are setting up one - way bets for traders .

    他们远未意识到的是,自己正为交易者 建立单向押注。

  • Finance Street didn 't take long to fill up - vacancy rates there are as low as 2 % Mr. Chan said .

    陈锦平说,金融街的写字楼没用多久就都租 出去 ,空置率低至2%。

  • The waves impinged on the rocks throwing up pearl - like drops of spray . I snatched the balloon from the arrangement and stormed outside .

    海浪冲击着岩石,溅 珠子 的水花。我从花束上把气球拽了下来,冲出门去。

  • Also the fiber - which is what helps you fill up faster - is left out of the juice .

    同时,苹果中含有的纤维在榨成果汁后也都流失了。正是这些纤维有助于增加人的 腹感。

  • Researchers hope the fridge could clean itself cut down on wasted food and offer Up recipes - which could be tailored to different countries cuisines and seasons .

    研究人员希望这种冰箱可以自动清洁、减少食物浪费并提供 食谱,在这些方面能够满足不同国家、不同烹饪风格和不同的季节需求。

  • On a British Airways flight from Heathrow To Zurich our approach into the airport was so violent due to the up - and down-drafts caused by a thunderstorm that I was sure we were going to be thrown into the quaint houses in the hills below .

    在从希思罗飞往苏黎世的英国航空(britishairways)航班上,暴风雨引起的 上升和下降气流,使我们的飞机在着陆时震荡得非常厉害,我认定我们会摔到下面山中古色古香的房子里去。

  • The memories or feelings that are not part of one 's immediate awareness but that can be recalled through conscious effort . The involuntary / instant reflex of curling one ' 's toes up - right before a horse steps on your foot .

    前意识无法立即意识到但能通过有意识的努力而唤起的记忆或情感无意识地 收缩蹄子的反应,在踩你的 之前。

  • It 's also traditional that women marry up - meaning they marry men from a higher socioeconomic bracket than themselves .

    同样,女性 也是很正常的 &她们通常 与社会地位比自己高的男性结婚。

  • We 'd like to employ you on this newspaper but the person we appoint must be able to knock up copy - can you do that ?

    我们想雇你为这个报纸工作,不过我们所任作的人要能够准备 付印的稿件 &你能干得了这件事吗?

  • Looking into the inside she saw several coats hanging up - mostly long fur coats .

    她朝橱里仔细看了一下,里面并排 几件外套,几乎全都是长长的皮外套。

  • B.j. what 's up ? - the Archbishop just called back .

    怎么 ?大主教刚 覆电

  • Today most of my music collection is stored - and backed up - on PC hard drives in the form of MP3 digital files and my CDs have been ripped to DVDs and an external drive that plugs into a media gateway .

    如今,我收藏的多数音乐作品都以MP3数字文件的形式储存在个人电脑(PC)硬盘上,并进行了 备份,我的CD唱片正让位于DVD和一个连接媒体网关的外部驱动器。

  • - I already have we 're cycling up . - Think you can go behind my back ?

    -我已经留过了,历史在循环 上升 -你以为你能暗算到我?

  • Their guarantees were needed to open up asset - backed markets in the developing world .

    在发展中国家, 建立资产支持证券市场需要有这些保险商的担保。