up counter

[ʌp ˈkaʊntɚ][ʌp ˈkauntə]


  • For completing Quadrature Decoder and Up / Down Counter it needs special hardware circuit or microprocessor .

    实现正交解码与 可逆 计数,需要专门的硬件电路或者由微处理器实现。

  • Will Call tickets allow you to purchase a ticket online and then pick it up at the counter .

    你可以通过预定零售部在网上订票,然后到 柜台 去取

  • I walked up to the counter . Behind it was a lady like no one Id ever seen .

    走近 柜台柜台后面有一位我从未见过如此长相的女人。

  • He lifted up the counter and passing by the clients went out of the office with a heavy step .

    掀起 柜台板,从顾客身边擦身走过,拖着滞重的步履,走出办公室。

  • Years ago when ice cream sundae was very expensive a10-year-old boy walked up to the counter of a soda shop .

    很久以前,冰淇淋圣代还不像现在这么便宜,一个十岁的小男孩 来到一家汽水 甜品店。

  • The applications of up - down counter in digital phase comparator

    可逆 计数器及其在数字式相位差计中的应用

  • The third went up to the counter and pulled out the revolver .

    第三个人跳到 柜台 ,拔出了手枪。

  • Enter and walk up to the counter to find that the first game is free .

    进入步行 柜台发现的第一场比赛是免费的。

  • They pile up on a counter in our kitchen and when my wife or I get time we bring them to the bank .

    我们把这些支票 在厨房的一个 台面上,等我或是妻子有时间的时候,我们会把这些支票带到银行。

  • A simple state machine is used to adapt the output of two photo-cells to control an up / down counter .

    使用一个简单的状态机调整两个光电池的输出,以控制一个 /减 计数器

  • Why don 't you just stand up by the counter sir ?

    你为什么不站在 柜子 ,先生?

  • China should come up with some counter spies to pass false information to Japan USA and South Korea .

    中国应该想 出来通过这些 间谍,把错误的信息传达到日本、美国还有韩国。

  • Join together the fieldbus development present condition for greet to fieldbus this technique revolution in the automatic control territory bring up the counter plan that should be adopted .

    结合现场总线的发展现状,提出 为迎接现场总线这场自控领域内的技术变革应采取的 对策

  • Often if you are going to buy something you would go up to the counter ( or the sales counter ) and the employee would take your money or your credit card .

    通常,如果你要买东西,你要 柜台(或销售柜台),员工会拿走你的钱或信用卡。

  • We have achieved the design of 32 bit up / down counter .

    设计实现 32位的 可逆 计数器 模块

  • The asynchronous binary up - down counter of design

    异步二进制可逆 计数器的设计

  • Second set up reasonable counter guarantee mechanism .

    第二, 设置合理的 担保机制。

  • She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest .

    就在她讲这话的时候,二位 年纪的先生一瘸一拐地 到了 柜台 ,开始对着那排布丁兴致勃勃地仔细看 起来

  • An important-looking man marched straight up to the counter and demanded to be served immediately because he had a flight to catch .

    一名看上去颇有地位的男子大步流星 直奔 柜台,要求立刻为他提供服务,因为他要赶一趟航班。

  • After using the online ticketing services would you prefer buying from the internet to queuing up outside the counter ?

    使用网上售票系统后,你比较喜欢上网购票多于在戏院 柜台 排队邻候购票?

  • In my kitchen the Studio One took up precious counter space it 's as wide as my microwave and the wired keyboard and mouse on the cheaper models clutter up the counter .

    在我家的厨房里,这 StudioOne 很多宝贵的空间它的宽度跟我家的微波炉一样大价格较低的机型配备的都是有线键盘和鼠标,更是显得凌乱非常。

  • Then he walked up to the counter and spoke to the clerk .

    然后他 走向服务 ,对那个职员说。

  • Buck : I walked in and went up to the counter to place my order .

    巴克:我进餐厅,到 柜台 点东西。

  • She walked up to the counter mad asked for a pound of sugar .

    柜台 ,要买一磅白糖。

  • Especially it sets up a global counter that counts the number of active event handlers as well as a variable that holds the results of the event handlers in a list .

    尤其是,它将 设置一个全局 计数器,以对处于活动状态的事件处理程序进行计数;另外,还要设置一个变量,以在列表中保存事件处理程序的结果。

  • The customers lined up at the counter .

    顾客在 柜台 前边排成一队。

  • Cooked food area : All food we sell is made on the day and we set up a dedicated counter for weighing purpose to satisfy your needs for different quantity .

    熟食区:出售的都是当天制品,并 推出方便称量 专柜,以满足您不同数量的需要。