unwritten code

[ʌnˈrɪtn kod][ʌnˈrɪtn kəud]

[法] 不成文法

  • For many there is a more or less unwritten code here .

    对多数人来说,这里或多或少有个 约定俗成 文法

  • In ancient times along with the development of political economy auditing legislation kept pace with the time from the unwritten rules of audit legislation scattered code developed into the systematic law .

    在古代,随着政治经济的发展,审计立法也在不断的与时俱进,审计立法 从不 成文的、零散的 法典发展成为系统 周密的法律。

  • There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which if broken makes the person immediately the object of suspicion .

    有一个 成文但很清楚的行为 规则,如果打破,就会使人立即成为嫌疑的对象。

  • High heels it turns out appeared to be part of the unwritten red-carpet dress code .

    实际上,高跟鞋似乎是 成文的红地毯着装 规范之一。