


  • Nevertheless be an armchair strategist still cannot decide in fact unwarrantable also the room that every family has this kind of requirement .

    不过,纸上谈兵还是无法确定的,事实上也 不能保证每个家庭都有这种条件的房间。

  • If the use of animal food be in consequence subversive to the peace of human society how unwarrantable is the injustice and barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims .

    如果吃肉的结果是会危害人类社会的和平,对那些因此而 遭殃的受难者是多 不公平与残暴啊。

  • Some websites connect him whether does the distributors inside unwarrantable net have sincere letter .

    有些网站连自己都 不能 保证网内的销售商是否有诚信。

  • It will be difficult and unwarrantable to advance the reform before the conditions are clarified .

    而在这些条件被清楚地 厘定之前,要推行和 建立检察 一体化改革必然是困难的, 缺乏 应有 正当性。

  • Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable .

    他们侵扰我们的私生活是 毫无 道理的。

  • Overcoming the partials in policy-making and rectifying unwarrantable conducts of government through innovations of system arrangement come to be major work in this adjustment .

    通过制度安排上的创新,克服政策 偏颇,纠正政府不当行为是矫正 农业结构调整中政府 失灵的主要内容。

  • Or else I shall be obliged to inform my master of your designs ; and he 'll take measures to secure his house and its inmates from any such unwarrantable intrusions ! '

    不然我就不得不把你的计划告诉我的主人;他就要采取手段保护他的房屋和里面住的人的安全,以防止任何这类 无理的闯入!