vacant position

[ˈvekənt pəˈzɪʃən][ˈveikənt pəˈziʃən]


  • They may headhunt her for the vacant position of Executive Producer .

    他们可能会挖她去填补执行制片人这一 空缺 职位

  • She fills the position left vacant with the departure of Yongwei Zhang who left the University to take a position with Rutgers University in New Jersey .

    她填补了原中国中心主任 张永维离任前往新泽西州 罗戈斯大学工作之后的 空缺

  • I feel quite honored if there is any vacant position in you company suitable for me . I am available for an interview at any time convenient for you .

    如果贵公司能给我提供一个合适的 职位,我将 不胜荣幸。您认为方便的任何时间,我都可以来面试。

  • Query on the Theory of the Owners ' Vacant Position

    所有者 缺位论质疑

  • To apply for a vacant position in an office

    申请一个 空缺 职务

  • While mixing ownership up with owner the institutional defect of state - owned enterprises may be generalized as the owners ' vacant position .

    混淆所有权与所有者,就会把国有企业的制度缺陷概括为所有者 缺位

  • A Study of Nonequilibrium Caused by the Vacant Position of Keyseat

    转子轴 键槽引起的不平衡的研究

  • I am applying for the vacant position in your Accounting Division announced in your bulletin .

    我从贵公司的简报中获悉,你们会计部 空缺 职位致函应聘。

  • The essential institutional defect of our state - owned enterprises is structure of vacant position of state ownership instead of the owners ' vacant position .

    实质上,我国国有企业在制度上的根本缺陷不是所有者缺位,而是存在国企所有权的 缺位构造格局。

  • A vacant position in a crystal left by the absence of an electron especially a position in a semiconductor that acts as a carrier of positive electric charge .

    空穴在晶体中由于没有电子而造成的 空位,尤指在半导体中可当作正极使用的空位。

  • The scheme proposed could be utilized by the control of large-scale non-affine nonlinear systems as the automatic highway of adjusting automobiles ' vacant position and some chemical reactions process etc.

    所提出的方案能够用于如自动化高速公路中汽车 空位调节和某些化学反应过程等大规模非仿射非线性系统的控制。

  • How did you learn about this vacant position ?

    请问从何 悉本 职位 空缺

  • It has a too weak ability in alpha / numberic mode and vacant position in graphics processing to meet needs of present engineering design and data processing .

    但其较弱的文本显示处理能力和 空缺的图形处理 能力已不能满足当今工程设计和数据处理的需要。

  • Our representation In your area have become vacant recently . we can appoint you for this position .

    近来我公司在贵地的 代理商 职位 空缺,我们可以任命您 担任 此职

  • Afternoon following small-cap forces strong condition individual investors have reduced the position or in vacant position no matter how forces perform .

    午后,延续游资主力强势,不管游资主力如何表演,在休市前已经减仓或 空仓

  • Birna : I heard that you have a vacant position for a secretary I 've come to apply for the job .

    克娜:听说你们有个秘书的 空缺。我是来征的。

  • The facts prove that it 's a wise choice to reduce the ratio or in vacant position in yesterday 's closing .

    事实证明,在昨天尾盘减仓或 空仓是明智的选择。

  • Marketplace vacant position makes great efforts to fill in ;

    市场 空缺,努力填补;

  • He applied for a vacant position .

    他被委派 填补 空缺

  • Carlos Queiroz has been linked with the vacant manager 's position at porto .

    卡洛斯-奎罗兹与波尔图 空缺的主教练 职位联系了起来。

  • We 'd rather leave the place vacant than have someone incompetent fill the position .

    宁可 虚位以待,也不要让不称职的人 滥竽充数

  • We shall keep your offer in mind should there be any vacant position you will be the first to be considered .

    我们将保留您的申请,一旦有 空缺,我们将首先考虑您。

  • In the noise-proofing device noise-proofing batts are respectively pasted at the vacant position on each panel which forms the computer case .

    本隔音装置是在构成机箱的每个板面 空缺 均粘贴有隔音绵。

  • Of all the applicants the most competent person will fill the vacant position .

    这个 空缺将由应征者中最能干者填补。