


v.改变想法,不想( unthink的现在分词 )

  • They threw their King Kong together with an unthinking haste that accounts for its zany illogic .

    他们在一片 思索的匆忙中,匆匆把金刚凑在一起,而必须为电影的荒唐不合逻辑负责。

  • And let our Republicanism so focused and so dedicated not be made fuzzy and futile by unthinking and stupid labels .

    让我们使我们的共和主义事业不要因被贴上 盲目和愚钝的标签而徒劳 获。

  • Here the unthinking mechanical recording of the moment has been raised to the level of contemporary photographic culture .

    毋庸 置疑当今的机械记录已经被提升到了现代摄影文化的水平。

  • Like the unthinking functioning of a machine .

    思想的机器的 机能的。

  • He tries to anticipate the future so as to control it of possible for the future always offers the thoughtful and denies the unthinking .

    他要尽力预测未来,以便尽可能加以控制,因为未来总是 属于深思熟虑的人,与不 脑筋

  • She is quite mechanical and unthinking in the way she irons the shirt

    她熨衬衣 样子呆板, 脑筋

  • What annoys me about these people is their unthinking hostility to anything foreign or unfamiliar .

    这些人令我恼火的是他们对任何外国或不熟悉的事物的不 问情 的敌视。

  • Since half century the unsolved principal questions in geostress measurement using borehole method are hypothesizing that the mechanical property of rocks is isotropic unthinking the borehole effect unconsidering the measuring time effect and simplifying the changeful mechanical property of rocks .

    近半个世纪以来,钻孔法地应力测量中尚未解决的主要问题是:假定岩石在力学性质上各向 同性没有考虑钻孔效应;

  • We can only hope that she will soon understand how foolish she has been and unthinking and come back .

    我们只能希望她很快就明白她这是多么 多么 没有 头脑并希望她回来。

  • Oh poor George Bush picking up after some unthinking creature 's mess . Well now he knows how Obama feels .

    哦,可怜的乔治·布什,处理着一些 没有 脑子的生物留下的烂摊子,嗯,现在他知道奥巴马是什么感受了。

  • After an unthinking moment she put the pen into her mouth .

    了一会儿,她 还是 没有 什么 头绪便将笔咬在嘴角。

  • The first thing before building fishing ports is the work of fishing ports distribution in order to avoid unthinking action and promoting the orderly development of fisheries .

    建设渔港,首先要做好渔港的布局工作,以避免 渔港建设上的盲目性,促进渔业的有序发展。

  • To this the unthinking will give an off-hand answer .

    给我一个 直截了当的答复。

  • Instead new prejudices just like the old ones will serve as the guiding reins of the great unthinking mass .

    相反,新的偏见就像旧的偏见一样,会成为引导那些 没有 思想 芸芸众生的缰绳。

  • Bruce was no unthinking vandal .

    布鲁斯 决非蓄意搞破坏的莽汉。

  • Unthinking he threw his lighted match into the waste-paper basket .

    他想也没想就把燃着的火柴扔进了废 纸篓里了。

  • He doesn 't say those silly things that unthinking people say

    他并没有 头脑的人那样说 蠢话

  • It was the unthinking and indiscriminate application of child-centred education techniques with little attention paid to outcomes that eventually brought about a backlash .

    以儿童为中心的教育技术 没头没脑的和不分青红皂白的应用,而且很少重视结果,最终带来了反弹。

  • Engagement rings – specifically expensive diamond ones – are often prime examples of this unthinking mindset .

    订婚戒指尤其是昂贵的钻石戒指往往是这种 盲目心态的典型例子。

  • Marked by unthinking boldness ; with defiant disregard for danger or consequences .

    思虑的大胆为特点; 的轻视危险或者结果。

  • I was all that the most hardened unthinking wicked creature among our common sailors can be supposed to be . He failed in the terminal examination . He is a real terror .

    我完全变成了一个麻木不仁、 没有 脑筋、作恶多端的水手。他没有通过期末考试,真令人伤脑筋。

  • You 're right my country deserve my unthinking and unquestioning support .

    你是对的,我的国家值得我 思考与无条件地支持。

  • And underneath it all was a breezy unthinking optimism that prices could only ever go up .

    而支撑这一切的是轻松愉快, 盲目乐观主义,认为价格只会不断上涨。