



  • My room looks very untidy .

    我的房间看起来很 整洁

  • You tore your clothes while playing & is that why they call you untidy ?

    你游戏时扯破了你的衣服&这就是他们说你 整洁 缘故么?

  • Stop chucking pieces of paper about you make the street look untidy .

    别到处扔纸,你们把大街 乱七八糟

  • The other barber 's shop was very untidy .

    另一家理发店非常 凌乱

  • The bedroom 's very untidy .

    这卧室太 整洁了。

  • I 'm untidy in most ways .

    我在很多方面都 没有 条理

  • He looked quite untidy ; besides one of the buttons on his coat was missing .

    他看起来相当 狼狈,而且外套上有个扣子也不见了。

  • Don 't throw your things about & this place is untidy enough as it is .

    别把你的东西乱扔,这儿已经够 的了。

  • Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead .

    她的黑发 散乱 飘拂在宽阔的脑门子上。

  • Her wiry hair was pushed up on top of her head in an untidy bun .

    她粗硬的头发向上梳起,在头顶 乱糟糟 地盘成了个发髻。

  • Oh sorry the kitchen is very untidy !

    哦,不好意思,厨房太 整洁了!

  • It 's unfair to make generalizations about teenagers being lazy and untidy .

    认为青少年病房懒惰和 整洁是不公平的。

  • The place quickly became untidy .

    这地方很快变得 凌乱 不堪

  • Is my hair very untidy ? Asked bertha catching miss ley 's look and its meaning .

    “我的头发很 凌乱,是吗?”伯莎问道。她看到了莱伊小姐的目光并理解了其目光中的含意。

  • The garden was untidy .


  • He must be very lazy for his desk is very untidy .

    他肯定很懒,因为他的课桌很 整洁

  • I can 't work under untidy circumstances .

    我不能在 整洁的环境中工作。

  • This is an untidy room .

    这是一间 整洁的房间。

  • She 's become a typical spinster & can 't understand why with four children my house is always untidy !

    她成了个典型的老处女&不明白为什么我家因为有了4个孩子而常常 乱七八糟的!

  • Careless and untidy in her personal habits ; an untidy living room ; untidy and casual about money .

    她个人习惯是粗心和 整洁;凌乱的客厅;放钱凌乱而随意。

  • I can put up with the house being untidy but I hate it if it 's not clean .

    我能忍受房子 凌乱,但我讨厌它不清洁。

  • His hair and beard are both untidy and his skin is quite leathery .

    他须发 蓬乱,皮肤也相当粗糙。

  • Oh it 's much too untidy for us to study in .

    啊!在 这里学习对我们来说是太 整洁了。

  • He 's very untidy about the house & mind you I 'm not much better .

    他不 注意房子 整洁不过嘛,我不比他好多少。

  • His uniform was crumpled untidy splashed with mud

    他的制服皱巴巴的, 邋遢 不堪,还溅上了泥点。

  • My untidy brother drops all his clothes on the floor .

    那位 整洁的弟弟把衣服全扔在地上。

  • Clothes were thrown in the luggage in an untidy heap .

    衣服被 乱糟糟地扔进旅行箱里。

  • I met her in a small untidy coffeehouse on the outskirts of London .

    我是在伦敦郊外的一个狭小 凌乱的咖啡馆遇见她的。

  • You don 't see any untidy people working there .

    全然看不到有 不修边幅的人在那里工作。

  • It 's because our hands are dirty and we look untidy .

    这是因为我们的手脏,我们自己看起来也 整洁