


  • Greek troops at present are mostly untrained and unarmed .

    目前,希腊军队多半 受过 训练,也 武装。

  • To the untrained palate red wines all taste very similar .

    品酒 而言,所有的红酒都是一个味道。

  • Her small brown untrained Terrier has bitten the ankle of a new arrival .

    她的那头棕色的、 受过 训练的小在一名新来者的足踝上咬了一口。

  • An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire

    一匹 训练的马听到枪响受了惊。

  • David showed that the first World War which led to immigration controls and choked off the supply of cheap but untrained immigrant workers was one of the Spurs to make these changes .

    戴维指出,第一次世界大战导致了移民控制,阻塞了 培训的廉价移民工人的供应,成为这些变革的促进因素之一。

  • It is a nonsense to say we have untrained staff dealing with emergencies

    说我们 受过 培训的员工来处理紧急事故简直是胡说八道。

  • It was often said that he had the best untrained mind in politics .

    人们常说,他 受过 专门 训练 有政治头脑。

  • And the teachers were often untrained volunteers . The untrained Nazi troops sometimes faltered .

    而且老师多是 训练的志愿者。未经训练的纳粹兵常常不堪一击。

  • For the study researchers at Osaka International University and Kobe University in Japan recruited a pool of trained athletes male and female as well as the same aged group of untrained volunteers .

    该项研究中,来自大阪国际国大学和神户大学的研究人员招纳了一批训练有素的运动员,有男性也有女性,以及另外一批同年龄的 训练的志愿者。

  • Our Intelligence Service was untrained cumbersome and almost wholly ineffectual .

    我们的情报部门 人员 缺乏 训练,机构臃肿,简直毫无用处。

  • It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder

    经过 训练的书记员在诸如谋杀等重大案件中提供建议是普遍的做法。

  • More accustomed to working on foot Scouts are untrained horsemen and as such not great fighters on horseback .

    斥候兵们更善于步行活动,而不是马上作战,因此 斥候骑兵战力欠佳。

  • We may have to resort to using untrained staff .

    我们可能只得用 培训的员工了。

  • Weld a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force .


  • No untrained dog can focus when there are10 to25 other dogs around it .

    没有一只 训练的狗可以在10到25只狗儿的中间保持注意力。

  • An untrained voice ; untrained troops ; young minds untrained in the habit of concentration .


  • By this time my office looks like a bomb site to the untrained eye .

    这时,我的办公室在 接受 训练 眼里看上去就像被炸 的废墟。

  • This equipment should on no condition be used by untrained staff .

    这种设备绝不能 培训的人员使用。

  • In the example code the weights are randomly assigned ( representing an untrained network ) .

    在示例代码中,加权是随机指定的(表示未 训练的网络)。

  • This is the first study to show that brain responses in young musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year said Trainor .

    特芮娜说:这项研究首次发现,受过音乐训练的儿童和 受过音乐 训练的儿童的大脑反应在一年内发生了不同的变化。

  • He had a deep untrained voice .

    他有一副低沉、 受过 专门 训练的嗓子。

  • We do not expect untrained people to take risks .

    我们不 主张 受过 培训的人员去冒险。

  • And we have untrained people to do that assisting and that puts them at risk for hurting their backs .

    而我们未 训练的工作人员来从事这些协助工作时,他们自己就会有伤及背部的风险。

  • An untrained typist makes a lot of mistakes if he or she tries to maintain a good speed .

    一个 训练的打字员如果想保持很快的打字速度,就会出许多差错。

  • Don 't let an untrained person tamper with the electrical circuits .

    别让未 训练的人去瞎摆弄电路。

  • They are not always willing to take on untrained workers but there 's no harm in asking .

    他们并不总是乐意雇用 培训的工人,但问问也无妨。

  • It is self-evident that it is wise to substitute well-trained sportsmen for untrained sportsmen .

    不言而喻,用训练有素的运动员代替 没有 受过 训练的运动员是明智的。

  • I 'm not putting guns in untrained hands .

    我不会把枪交给 训练的人的。