


  • The problem took three hours to untangle .

    这个问题花了3个小时才 解决

  • The auditors will untangle all those records . Establishment of clear audit trails for e-banking transactions .

    查帐员会 所有这些 条子进行 清理。为电子银行交易建立清晰的核查记录。

  • Such reform would untangle the web that led to government intervention and the creation of the untenable paradigm of too interconnected to fail .

    这些改革将 清理这样的一个网络该网络导致了政府干预,也造就了站不住脚的“相互关系过于紧密,以至于不能破产”模式。

  • Some attempts to untangle the question were ingenious .

    一些解决问题的尝试 可谓 独辟蹊径

  • If I untangle you will you please get rid of the corn rose ?

    如果我 解开你,你会解开这个稻穗

  • You have to untangle shared departments he says such as environmental safety and finance .

    他表示,首先需要 理清各共享部门之间 错综复杂的关系,比如环境安全部门和财务部。

  • You must untangle yourself still all other voices and go to the deepest place within to know what 's important and urgent in your unique and singular life .

    你必须 解脱 出来,让一切别的声音安静,去到内心最深处发现什么是在你独特、唯一的生命中即重要又紧急。

  • Brian is someone who is willing and able to untangle a lot of knots and he inherited plenty of them .

    布赖恩是一个愿意、也有能力 解开大量 难题的人,他也 确实接手了很多问题。

  • And if you do need to do an urgent system recovery you don 't want to lose precious time finding large enough disks to restore to and then have to untangle data file systems from your mksysb backup .

    而且,如果您的确需要进行紧急系统恢复,也不想将宝贵的时间都浪费在寻找系统恢复所需的足够磁盘空间以及再在mksysb备份中 清理数据文件系统的过程。

  • I spent ages trying to untangle the knots in rosie 's hair .

    我花了很长时间试图 解开罗绮头发上的发结。

  • Even after isolating a problem down to a few crucial lines of code it can be difficult to untangle the interleaved events required to make a race condition or deadlock occur .

    甚至在确定了会产生问题的几行关键代码后, 依旧难以 解耦 那些会导致竞态条件或者死锁的交叉存取事件。

  • As your columnist 's children grow up the need to untangle their tantrums feuds and nonsense is becoming pleasingly rare .

    令人欣慰的是,当你专栏作家的孩子长大了,要 解开他们的怨怒、积怨和冒失的需要,变得微乎其微。

  • Finally I managed to untangle the microphone from my neck and I cruised offstage and back into civilian life .

    最后,我设法 解开 纠结在我脖子上的绳子,走下舞台,恢复了平静。

  • Officials are trying to untangle the stalled peace talks .

    官员们正试图 理顺被中断的和平谈判。

  • Can you untangle this thread for me ? I 'm all thumbs today .

    你能帮我 解开这条线吗?我今天笨手笨脚的。

  • Untangle knitting wool electric flex .

    解开 缠结的毛线、电线。

  • He 's forced to untangle a complex web of financial dealings

    他被迫去 理清错综复杂的金融交易。

  • Discussing your feelings with a professional can help you untangle these emotions .

    与专业人士探讨你的感受可以帮助你 理清这些思绪。

  • He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film .

    他被撞见拼命想要 解开几盘缠在 一起的胶卷。

  • It would probably take years of psychoanalysis to untangle that contradiction not to mention others too sensitive to name here .

    可能要通过许多年的心理分析才能 解开 这个 ,更不要说那些因为太敏感而不便在此提及的事。

  • The new findings promise to help untangle the early molecular events of a syndrome at the root of one of the world 's most significant health issues .

    该新发现有希望帮助从根本上 解开作为世界上最重要健康问题之一的 代谢综合症的早期分子事件。

  • The childe love sleeping out in tents when we go camping . The auditors will untangle all those records .

    野营时,孩子们喜欢露宿帐篷之中。查帐员会 所有这些条子进行 清理

  • It took ages to untangle her hair .

    梳理她那 打结的头发花了很长时间。

  • For the lost : this is the world this is the European continent and this is the place we have to untangle .

    给那些不认 地图的:这是世界,这是欧洲,这里就是让我们 纠结的地方。

  • The impacts of that tug-of-war on the climate system could be devilishly difficult to untangle .

    气候系统的这种拉锯战的冲击影响可能是极难 理清 解决的。

  • Lawyers and accountants began trying to untangle the complex affairs of the bank

    律师和会计师开始着手 梳理这家银行复杂的事务。

  • Use a wide-toothed comb rather than a brush to untangle hair .

    使用宽齿的梳子 梳头,而不是刷子。

  • He was good with his hands and could unravel a knot or untangle yarn that others wouldn 't even attempt

    他的手很灵巧,其他人甚至都不敢尝试的一些 难解的绳结或 一起的纱线,他都能解开。

  • It seems important to try to untangle them in my own mind at least .

    至少在我自己心里 设法 它们 清楚似乎很重要。