vaccine short

[vækˈsin ʃɔrt][vækˈsi:n ʃɔ:t]

[医] 菌苗疗法, 疫苗疗法

  • The time between now and when the vaccine will be available is actually very very short and there is an awful lot to do .

    从现在到 疫苗上市的时间实际上非常非常 ,而有太多的工作要做。

  • At present flock shigella bacteria inactivated vaccine has been obtained but the reliable method and means is still short in correct valuation of immunizing potence .

    目前鸡群虽有鸡痢疾志贺氏菌灭活 进行免疫,但仍 缺少正确评价疫苗免疫效果和免疫抗体监测的可靠手段和方法。

  • The current H5N1 influenza vaccine production is mainly using chicken embryo as matrix it is very difficult to provide large scale production when H5N1 avian influenza outbreaks in the short term . In addition the factors form chicken embryo may also affect quality of the vaccine .

    目前H5N1人用流感 疫苗主要是用鸡胚为培养基质开发生产,H5N1禽流感爆发时难于在 短期内提供足够的鸡胚生产 疫苗,另外,鸡胚中可能带有的外源性因子也影响疫苗的质量。

  • But while rich nations may have the resources to produce or acquire adequate doses of vaccine developing countries could fall far short .

    然而发达国家拥有资源来生产或者获取足够多的 疫苗,相反,发展中国家在这方面却要远远 落后

  • Failure of vaccine immunity was presumably attributed to insufficiency of antibodies which produced before the onset of disease in those patients with short incubation period by using the 5-injection of hamster kidney vaccine .

    探讨了 疫苗免疫失败的原因可能是目前使用的五针法地鼠肾疫苗注射未能在 潜伏期病例在发病之前产生足够抗体。

  • One manufacturer Bio-Manguinhos in Brazil was identified as the strongest and quickest alternative for scaling-up vaccine supply in the short and medium term .

    巴西一家生产企业Bio-Manguinhos被确定为 短期和中期扩大 疫苗供应的最强和最快的选择对象。

  • It is thus clear the boosting dose of HB vaccine to 5-year-old children though could raise anti-HBs at a total level in a short time and sustained but it had no preventive effect on hepatitis B virus infection .

    由此可见,对5周岁儿童实施加强 免疫可使抗 -HBs总体水平 短期 明显升高,持续时间有所延长,但对儿童乙肝病毒感染无明显影响。

  • In large-scale network environment by mobile properties of Agent vaccine can be synchronized in a large number of nodes in a short time . Compared with the traditional downloading method Vaccine distribution time can be greatly shortened .

    在大规模网络环境下,能够 时间内完成大量结点的 疫苗同步,与比传统的下载方法相比,能够缩短疫苗分发时间。