



  • He was rightly suspicious of meeting me until I reassured him I was not writing about him

    当然他很不放心见我, 直到我再一次向他保证我不是在写他。

  • I tell you this I will not rest until that day has come

    我可以肯定地说,不 那天我不会休息。

  • I suppose you 'll hector me until I phone him .

    我想 若是我不给他打电话,你就会 一直威吓我。

  • There they will stay until 11 o'clock tonight .

    他们今晚将一直在那里呆 11点钟。

  • I know you will never be at peace until you have discovered where your brother is .


  • I backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back

    我小心翼翼地后退, 直到感觉后背碰到了墙壁。

  • I didn 't get back to Brussels until after my demob


  • It has taken until now to pin down its exact location


  • I 'm sure the burglars waited until my insurance claim was through and came back to clean me out again

    我敢肯定,窃贼们一定是 着我领到了保险赔偿金,然后回来再次把我洗劫一空。

  • We stood in the doorway until our eyes adjusted

    我们站在门口 直到眼睛适应了光线的变化。

  • Until his finances are in the black I don 't want to get married .

    他有银行存款 之前,我不想和他结婚。

  • Until next payday I was literally without any money .


  • I had no inkling of his real purpose until much later


  • You haven 't lived until you 've used their new micro system .

    要是没用过他们新的微系统,这辈子 就算白活了。

  • He put his retirement on hold until he had found a solution

    他推迟了退休, 直到他找到了解决办法。

  • I should know by now not to throw away the directions until we 've finished cooking

    现在我知道了不该在饭没做完 之前就扔掉烹饪说明。

  • I had already missed my flight and the next one wasn 't until the following morning

    我已经错过了我的航班,下一班飞机得 等到明天早晨。

  • He waited until all the luggage was cleared but Paula 's never appeared

    他一直 等到所有的行李都拿走了,但始终没看见葆拉的。

  • I shall stay here until twelve o'clock .

    我将留在这里 一直 十二点钟。

  • It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified .

    直到1911年 发现了第一种维生素。

  • Until 1982 he was senior lecturer in botany at Durham University .

    1982年 以前一直是达勒姆大学生物系的高级讲师。

  • I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny

    我等了很长时间, 直到出现了一个我认为真正逗趣的剧本。

  • He will probably wait until the last minute .

    他也许会 等到最后一刻。

  • He said he might not be back until tonight .

    他说他有可能要 今晚 回来。

  • I 'm just killing time until I can talk to the other witnesses

    在和其他目击者交谈 我只是在打发时间。

  • Why don 't you come home with me until you sort things out ?

    你何不先和我一起回家, 事情解决了 再走

  • Work the flour and yeast mixture together until you have a sticky dough .

    将面粉和酵母混在一起和成黏 糊糊的面团。

  • I have left my best wine until last

    我把最好的酒 了最后。