vacation system

[veˈkeʃən ˈsɪstəm][vəˈkeiʃən ˈsistəm]

[法] 休假制度

  • Reliability Analysis for the System with Multiple Delay Vacation and System with Repairing Priority

    多重延误 休假及有修理优先权的可修 系统可靠性分析

  • The labor law stipulates that the state implement a minimum wage guarantee system and a paid annual vacation system in addition to standards for work hours labor security and health with special protection for women workers and standards for professional training .

    《劳动法》规定,国家实行最低工资保障制度和带薪年 休假 制度,并规定了工时标准、劳动安全卫生标准、女职工特殊保护标准、职业培训标准。

  • The vacation system is an important condition which affects traveling activities of residents .

    休假 制度是影响居民出游活动的重要条件。

  • Besides the busy period the whole vacation period and the on-line period of system are presented .

    此外,还分析了 系统的忙期、全 假期和在线期及 系统的三个 极端的例子。

  • Must exercise caution before enjoying a long overdue European vacation or home theater system in their golden years .

    在银发岁月享受早该享有的欧洲长期 旅游或家庭剧院 设备前,仍须三思而行。

  • Working vacation M / M / 1 queuing system with N-policy and Bernoulli feedback

    具有N-策略及Bernoulli反馈的 M/M/1工作 休假

  • With the drastic competition on the market today whether an organization have an attractive vacation system is not only a symbol of good welfare but also a critical measure to take its advantage in the market .

    在市场竞争白热化的今天,一个组织是否拥有诱人的 休假 制度已经不仅仅是其福利待遇优良与否的标志了,它更是一个组织能否拥有良好市场竞争力的重要筹码。

  • Probing into China countryside tourism development countermeasure with new vacation system

    休假 制度下我国乡村旅游发展对策探析

  • The essence of the working vacation policy is that when the number of customers is less relatively a lower speed period is established to economize the operational cost in the system .

    它的本质是,当 系统中的顾客数比较少时, 服务员以较低的服务率继续工作,从而使 系统的成本费用达到最低,运行效率最优。

  • Maybe you put half the money toward the vacation and half toward the game system and wait a month before buying .

    也许你把一半给了 度假;另一半给了游戏 来等到下给月在买。

  • The author analyzes the action of the reform of vacation system for the development of tourism .

    阐述 休假 制度改革对旅游业发展的作用。

  • The construction and selection of vacation sports development mode must be based on target system vacation sports development stage and its driving mechanism and international vacation sports development mode to seek a practical development mode .

    度假体育发展模式的构建与选择必须根据度假体育发展目标 体系,度假体育发展阶段及其发展驱动机制以及国外度假体育发展模式,寻求切合实际的发展模式。

  • The repairable queue and the vacation queue are extension and development of classical queuing theory and have widespread application in communications system management system and transportation system .

    可修排队和 休假排队是经典排队理论的延伸和发展,在通信 系统、管理系统以及运输系统等方面有广泛的应用。

  • Multiple Vacation of Queue System GI / G / 1

    多重 休假GI/G/1排队 系统的非统计平衡理论

  • Based on the Geom / G / 1 queue with multiple adaptive vacation and set-up time the PH expressions of additional length and delayed waiting time are derived . And the whole vacation period idle period and on-line period of the system are presented .

    在带有启动时间的多级适应性休假Geom/G/1排队的基础上,推导出附加队长和附加延迟时间LST的PH表示,并给出 系统的全 假期、闲期和在线期的分析。

  • To overcome the flaw above we introduce the rules including multiple repairmen multiple synchronous vacation and asynchronous vacation into the k / n ( G ) repairable system .

    为了克服以上不足,本文把多个修理工和同步多重休假规则、异步多重 休假规则引入到k/n(G)表决可修 系统中。

  • In many real world repairman can take vacation or perform some secondary tasks which can have the important influence on the system reliability measures and the economic benefit of the system .

    而修理工 休假或从事其它的辅助工作对 系统的可靠性指标或经济效益都会产生重要影响。

  • Using the conditional stochastic decomposition structures of queue length and waiting time it is convenient for comparing working vacation queue with classical queue . Consequently the influence of this working vacation policy on the classical queueing system is distinct . 2 .

    利用条件随机分解,便于与经典排队系统进行比较,从而分析工作 休假策略对经典排队 系统的影响。

  • Paid Vacation In Some Countries Of The World On the Implement of the Salaried Vacation System and the Deepening Growth of China 's Tourism

    带薪休假,有闲又有钱&世界各国的带薪休假论带薪 休假 制度的实行与我国旅游业的深入发展

  • The French have six weeks of vacation free universities top-notch public transport and arguably the world 's best health care system .

    法国人拥有六周的 假期,免费的大学,一流的公共交通和无可争议的世界上顶尖的医疗 系统

  • The G1 / M / 1 queue system with negative customers and working vacations and vacation interruption is studied to solve the influence occurred in the G1 / M / 1 queue system .

    针对 G1/M/1排队模型可能出现的影响因素,研究具有负顾客的G1/M/1工作休假及 休假中止模型。

  • On Implementation of the Salaried Vacation System and Developing Further Tourism in China

    论带薪 休假 制度的实行与我国旅游业的深入发展

  • This paper develops a queue system M / M / 1 with server 's vacation controlled by the number of customers in the system .

    本文建立了由 系统中顾客数控制 休假 终止 时间的M/M/1服务员 休假排队模型。

  • The elements of vacation sports are composed of vacation sports resources element system vacation sports services element system vacation sports subject element system vacation sports behavior element system vacation sports benefits element system and consists of a interaction system .

    度假体育的要素是由 度假体育资源要素 体系、度假体育服务要素体系、度假体育主体要素体系、度假体育行为要素体系、度假体育效益要素体系所构成的一个相互作用的统一体。

  • In the paper is introduced the rule of adaptive multistage vacation in the classical queueing system M / G / 1 . Distributions and random decomposition results of queueing length and waiting time are deduced .

    在经典M/G/1排队 引入多级适应性 休假规则,得到稳态队长、等待时间分布和随机分解,并给出忙期、 假期在线期分布。

  • In the 1970s for effectively using idle time view the thought of server taking vacation is introduced to the queuing system .

    二十世纪七十年代,出于有效利用空闲服务台的观点, 服务员 休假的思想被引入到排队 系统中来。

  • Vacation queue has been widely used in the fields of system design performance analysis for communication network and system reliability .

    休假排队是经典排队理论的延伸和发展,在 系统设计、通信网络的性能分析和系统可靠性等领域有着广泛的应用。